F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread


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Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

A Bar Brother, this is the F-35 thread as you might have noticed. Anymore Indian or PAK-Fa stuff will be delete since it's entirely off topic. Please note to not take further threads so far off topic. You have been warned.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Here is a recent report from the US Naval Institiute, of which I am a long-time member. Good news for foreign buyers, and a workable compromise:

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US Naval Institute said:
Foreign air forces ordering the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) will be able to customize the mission data packages loaded onto their aircraft in a compromise that defense officials say both preserves U.S. security and allows allies a greater degree of customization of their fighters.

Loading specific mission data packages onto the stealth fighter had been a bone of contention amongst the partner nations helping to develop the F-35.

The Pentagon — which is paying for the lion’s share of the roughly $50 billion F-35 development program — has a strict policy of never sharing the source codes for any U.S. weapons system even with America’s closest allies.

However, U.S. allies who are paying billions to buy the F-35 need to modify the jet for their particular needs have agitated for the right to alter the data packages their planes.

The data packages hold crucial terrain and enemy threat information for a particular region. For example, an F-35 assigned to operate in the Middle East might have its computers loaded with terrain data for Iran and detailed information to identify Iranian radars, surface-to-air missiles and fighter aircraft.

The aircraft would also be loaded with data on friendly forces in the region—basically everything the F-35 pilot would need to have full awareness of the battle space.

Speaking to reporters last week, JSF program manager U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan said that a compromise solution had been reached.

“In the future we will have many labs where our partners are going to do some of their own work,” Bogdan said.

The U.S. Navy, too, will operate a mission data lab at Naval Air Station Point Mugu, Calif.

Now, the Air Force’s Air Combat Command reprogramming lab at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., creates all of the F-35 mission data packages.

Not specifying the region, Bogdan said it would not be a problem getting one of those data packages ready by July, 2015, but the second package could be an issue.

The same engineers are working on both of the required regions and those technicians simply do not have enough capacity to do package simultaneously.

“There is some schedule pressure on getting that second mission data package done by July of 2015,” Bogdan said.

Building additional reprogramming labs will help to alleviate pressure on the Air Force lab. The Navy lab at Point Mugu, for example, will build data files for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, Bogdan said.

Partner nations will also be building facilities to reprogram their F-35s in the United States, Bogdan said. However, foreign nations will not have unsupervised access to the F-35 and its critical mission systems. “They will put people in those labs, we will put people in those labs,” Bogdan said.

“We together—jointly—will build there the brains of the airplane."

However, each partner nation will be able to customize their own aircraft for their particular regions and the specific threats they will face.

“They go to different places and they fight in different ways,” Bogdan said.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I thought I would give a full pictorial documentation of the historic F-35C carrier arrested landing and catapult launch of the F-35C aboard the USS Nimitz, CVN-68 here on SD on a couple of threads. These occurred and are ongoing this last week...and specifically on November 3rd for the first arrested landing and catapult launch.

A very historic two aircraft trial for the US Navy. These pictures show the approach, the instants before, during, and after the trap, and then the catapult launch.













Yes, baby! Finally, 5th generation stealth aircraft at sea on a full deck carrier.

See all of my F-35 high res photos at my
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A Bar Brother

Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

A Bar Brother, this is the F-35 thread as you might have noticed. Anymore Indian or PAK-Fa stuff will be delete since it's entirely off topic. Please note to not take further threads so far off topic. You have been warned.

Sorry about that. The discussion just veered into PAKFA.


Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

nobody seems to be following this issue here ... but I do :) check also http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/wor...trike-fighter-thread-112-5796.html#post312095 if interested and:
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Another month another 'compromise' about sundowning the Hog.
They've been talking about retiring the A10s for a dozen years now yet she still flies high and mighty and no attack aircraft, past or present can match it's awesomeness and survivability not to mentioned the sheer psychological affect it has on the opfor. Dropping SDBs from 10K ft just ain't the same as shooting Mavericks and dropping GBU38s or pumping 30 mm shells into enemy armor.

OK back to F-35 discussion :)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Another month another 'compromise' about sundowning the Hog.

Dropping SDBs from 10K ft just ain't the same as shooting Mavericks and dropping GBU38s or pumping 30 mm shells into enemy armor.
Agreed 1000%.

Shooting DU 30mm slugs clean through tanks at low altitude just makes the day for allied ground forces, and is one of those "just damn," moments for the Opfor.

The F-35 will perform ground support...but it is not armored up for, or missioned to do the type of close support that the A-10 does.

The F-35 may well be able to use PGMs to accomplish similar things, but it will not have the loiter, the slow turn, or the heavy armored capabilitiy to stick around and play with the enemy up close and personal like the Hog does.
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Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

most recent article :
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In the latest lobbying effort to retire the A-10, the commander of the Joint Strike Fighter, an Air Force general, said keeping the A-10 fleet operational will risk further delay to the F-35 by making unavailable hundreds of maintainers now responsible for the A-10.

plus http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/wor...trike-fighter-thread-115-5796.html#post313455
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

more on the topic of the post #1798 (preceding this one):
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More recently it has argued that maintaining the A-10 fleet would mean too few people to retrain on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The F-35 is slated to be the successor to the A-10, but it remains years away from entering service.

now I found related:
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A Bar Brother

Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

The IAF found low level flights to be less survivable when the enemy is capable enough on the ground during Kargil war.

That's the reason why low level flights of Mig-27, Jaguar and Mig-21s were withdrawn. Helicopters were withdrawn too. There were too many Stingers on the ground. (The army wasn't happy about it.)

The US Generals are probably making the same argument against using slow low level flights. I believe something similar happened in Mogadishu.