Discussing Biden's Potential China Policy

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I'm the type of person that lean towards being overly critical since I'm on the opinion that criticism is more constructive than praise so I'm going to take this opportunity to criticize common attitudes I see among overseas Chinese diaspora as well as Chinese international students. I want to preface this by saying there is a lot of very excellent Chinese abroad and the intention of this criticism is constructive.

Many Overseas Chinese feel a lot of self-deprecation, and in my opinion its due to two primary reasons. 1) A lot of overseas Chinese emigrated during a period where China is poor and weak, and was looked down upon globally 2) Western media's racism and Sinophobia. I was the same way growing up in Canada honestly, there have been moments where I was ashamed to be Chinese since I thought it was a backwards country, and because the West was richer and stronger does that mean that our way of life and culture is "wrong"? As I grew up what I learned is while we started from a lower starting point due to imperialism and Qing corruption, the Chinese people are hardworking and in a century, we were able to become a global power, not through military force or theft like the west, but through hard work and sacrifice and that is something to be proud of.

However, while its great to be confident and proud, we must also be humble. Among a lot of younger Chinese today, there is an arrogance that I'm not a fan of. We seems to have forgotten that our achievements didn't come easily, we paid through it through blood, sweat and tears and the older generations sacrificed so we can have a better life and a country to be proud of. We should recognize that while China is a rising power and on-track to surpass the US, China is just that, a rising power. We are second to the US for now and if we want to continue to grow, we have to work hard. The fact is, the West had a few century's head start on us and built a system that affords them many advantages. The United States is still current leading and if we want to surpass them to change the unfair and anglo-centric system we have to work twice, or thrice as hard as them. This may be an extreme attitude, but I think every Chinese has the responsibility to work hard, regardless of where we live. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责. We cannot be arrogant or we'll decline just like the Americans, it has happened to us before, look at Chinese history. In fact we owe it to those who sacrificed everything. In fact, this is why I despise the "tang ping" movement and why it makes my blood boil. We are a hardworking people, our achievements didn't come to us for free, every Chinese person has a goal to contribute to the "Chinese Dream" by either contributing directly in China or being the best we can be abroad. The "tang ping" movement is a slap in the face to the previous generations and to every single Chinese past, present and future. I'm not saying younger Chinese people are lazy, that is not the case at all, Chinese people are extremely hardworking to the point of detriment and I understand that our hardworking nature have caused a lot of societal problems related to health and birth rates, but being tang ping isn't the answer.

Century of Humiliation

The last time I cried this much while watching any show is 走向共和 (Towards the Republic) which I also heavily recommend. It showed the ugliness of Qing corruption and it broke my heart. Watching Cixi build the Summer Palace while the Japanese Emperor focusing on the Navy and modernization is heart-wrenching. It is also a must watch I think, to teach us a lesson about our past and the corruption that led to the Century of Humiliation. We can blame imperialism and the West all we want, but we can't deny that we put ourselves into a position to be bullied.

I am very proud of how the CPC handled Alaska and Tianjin meetings with the US. The West bitches and moans about "wolf warrior" diplomacy, but we learned a very painful lesson that you have to stand up to imperialism. Let them bitch and moan, I rather "wolf warrior" diplomacy then be humiliated. Despite being from China's imperialist past, I feel that Li Hongzhang did the best he could given the cards he was dealt to protect Chinese interests. A part of me takes pride in the thought that Wang Yi and our other diplomats are avenging Li Hongzhang's memory.


Thanks everyone for reading my long and incoherent rant. I have three core takeaways

1) We should be proud of what we achieved but we should remember the sacrifices made

2) We should continue to work hard, and work harder than the Americans to surpass them and earn a better future

3) Watch the show if you haven't yet, its seriously good!
@Bellum_Romanum bro people that talks a lot and don't put the effort of nation building and sacrifice deserved to be ignored. They want to pull you down and be the same with them, the CRAB MENTALITY, you know that term is common among us Filipino but how we the Hua Qiao are able to achieved economic prosperity simply because we ignored it. Being a minority with gov't regulation and policy use to inhibit your advancement. You fight to survive rather than use your valuable time in endless talking and whining, the world is unfair but its up to you and us to make it better, that is how we the Hua Qiao conquered ASEAN economically. :cool:
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I am just really happy Xi is not like Morrison, giving up perfectly good business for some imaginary ideological war. I think some China Hawks in the west are really disappointed that China doesn't behave like an enemy and hegemon, but like a normal peace loving, hardworking, and trading country. The last thing I want is for China to be baited into some cold war or military build up. keeping the % military spending down but grow the pie has been working mighty fine for China. In the end, the country that best taken care of its people wins, and China is doing great.
The danger of military conflict is very real, peace can’t be dictated by one side. China has to be sufficiently prepared.


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since some of the above discussion started with my statement that I respect and learned from Orlin. I would like to share what I respect him for.
1) he stood up for what he believed was true about China, even if it means defending China against powerful political forces that are bashing China.
2) He spent much of his life understanding a country far away as much as he could and contributed to the peace and prosperity of both countries. I on the other hand, didn't even know how the stupid electoral college worked until Trump got elected, at which point I realized I know so little about how Americans think and what made the country work. I have since caught up a lot, both US's glories and its ugliness.


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Qing had a weak military. How did that turn out?
great point. But I think the reason for Qing's weak military was not %spending, but not being looped in the international technological advancement. they improved with the self-strengthening by buying more western weapons but didn't reform enough like Japan.

China in the past, the USSR, and NKorea now all have high %mil spending. But not based on a strong domestic economy means weak or hollow power. Even the US is hollowing out. It's really a 3D chess. I don't think my opinion/judgment is any better than yours.


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great point. But I think the reason for Qing's weak military was not %spending, but not being looped in the international technological advancement. they improved with the self-strengthening by buying more western weapons but didn't reform enough like Japan.

China in the past, the USSR, and NKorea now all have high %mil spending. But not based on a strong domestic economy means weak or hollow power. Even the US is hollowing out. It's really a 3D chess. I don't think my opinion/judgment is any better than yours.
but my guess is Xi would want a bigger pie of the international reserve currency for the RMB more than a carrier.


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would you agree we are all spectators guessing here? so I think yours is as good as mine whether China is well prepared.
Military competition isn’t static it’s an ever evolving race. It’s idiotic to conflate future possibilities with a point in the present.


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but my guess is Xi would want a bigger pie of the international reserve currency for the RMB more than a carrier.
They go hand in hand like the American dollar and aircraft carriers. The country with the strongest military has historically implemented their national monetary system as the global reserve currency.