Discussing Biden's Potential China Policy

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If you are Chinese and you think Steven Orlins should "go straight to hell," then I think you either don't know him all that well or your have gone so far with your anti-US stance that you have lost interest to learn any nuance among the diverse views in a wide range of influential Americans. It is true that he criticizes certain Chinese behaviors, but he never hesitate to point out when an accusation towards China is clearly bogus or a Chinese action is a reaction to a US action. He believes the US policy toward China should focus on cooperation rather than confrontation and wants the two powers to get along. Isn't that what we Chinese people want as well and our M of FA working hard to achieve?

In terms of human rights in Xinjiang, he had vehemently argued against BS being thrown at China. What he did criticize was 1) China's anti-terror campaign was harsher and broader than necessary and 2) China has chosen to accelerate what would have been natural sinicization of minorities. Both of these I think China can do it more openly and better and be confident. I personally welcome constructive criticism like his and only fight back demonization. If I truly dislike someone, I would never tell them what they did wrong and just let them dig a bigger hole for themselves.
You got it backwards not only isn’t China doing wrong it is successful that’s why the criticism thats why they can’t keep quite. Whatever his true beliefs he is piss poor at influencing the Biden administration.
The statement did not come from an empire. It came from an individual American that are widely considered China Dove and played a significant role in building and maintaining a friendly relationship between China and the US in the past and is still actually advising the current USG to go back to that relationship. I believe he is well received by the Chinese diplomatic circle.
Just because he’s a so called dove in the past doesn’t mean he is correct, it’s funny how when innocent Chinese were being murdered by terrorists nobody cared and now that China is successful at cracking down on terror there is intense criticism. This is the same trend on a lot of issues. What does he know about governance considering the dysfunctional situation in the US. Again He is doing a poor job at advising the current USG on China.
I don't think anyone disagrees that the US has committed atrocities. But as a Chinese person, I am here to learn and cheer for the fantastic Team China's handling of the China-US relationship and their hard work protecting Chinese interests. I am sorry for other people who had been wronged by US actions. But I care much more about how foreign powered had wronged China. And that country is Japan, not the US. Yes we fought the US in Korea. But China and the US fought Japan together (and without the US we would have suffered under Japan much longer), partnered to resist the soviet expansionism which posted a much greater threat to China than the US, China supplied Vietnam to fight the US but withdrew support at the request of the US, the US helped China to upgrade military hardware (J8) when we were fighting Vietnam's expansionism, the US business helped lobby for China's most favored nation status (later turned into the WTO) after 89 student movement. How did Chinese leaders achieve all these? They worked with groups of Americans that shared China's interests and values on important things, even though they disagreed on others. Diplomacy and power relationships are full of gives and takes, cooperation and competitions. To me the highlight of Chinese diplomatic success is the clear segregation of core interests and irritations with remarkable steadiness to keep irritations at the rhetorical level. Chinese leaders also learned (smartly and selectively) from others (notably the US) how to leverage various tools available to a superpower to advance China's interest. We learned both successes and failures in military strategy and hardware development, economic development, industrial policy, and many others.
Past relationships doesn’t mean much considering how much the geopolitical situation has changed. The Soviet Union no longer exits and Japan and the US are joined at the hip.
that's why as a Chinese I have no problem respecting and learning from an individual American. more broadly, there are awesome people and shitty people in every country. Even good people are not perfect. We learn to grow us, not to become them.
Nothing wrong with learning from the success and failure of others but it’s best to learn from their actions and not mere words.


Registered Member
Another win for Biden then. Lol.

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Fed up with the U.S., Ukraine cuts deals with China and shuts up about the Uyghurs​

Without explanation, Ukraine took its signature off a statement asking China to let observers into Xinjiang to investigate allegations of persecution of Uyghurs.

Image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Visits Berlin

July 29, 2021, 4:30 AM EDT
By Dan De Luce and Veronika Melkozerova
WASHINGTON — Frustrated with the U.S.,
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with a rival superpower, inviting China to build infrastructure while holding back criticism of Beijing's human rights record.

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last month touted agreements with China to build airports, roads and railways in the Eastern European country and expressed gratitude for deliveries of
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Lieutenant General
The statement did not come from an empire. It came from an individual American that are widely considered China Dove and played a significant role in building and maintaining a friendly relationship between China and the US in the past and is still actually advising the current USG to go back to that relationship. I believe he is well received by the Chinese diplomatic circle.

the statement that did come from the 'empire,' as represented by the current USG, says China is committing genocide in Xinjiang.

I don't think anyone disagrees that the US has committed atrocities. But as a Chinese person, I am here to learn and cheer for the fantastic Team China's handling of the China-US relationship and their hard work protecting Chinese interests. I am sorry for other people who had been wronged by US actions. But I care much more about how foreign powered had wronged China. And that country is Japan, not the US. Yes we fought the US in Korea. But China and the US fought Japan together (and without the US we would have suffered under Japan much longer), partnered to resist the soviet expansionism which posted a much greater threat to China than the US, China supplied Vietnam to fight the US but withdrew support at the request of the US, the US helped China to upgrade military hardware (J8) when we were fighting Vietnam's expansionism, the US business helped lobby for China's most favored nation status (later turned into the WTO) after 89 student movement. How did Chinese leaders achieve all these? They worked with groups of Americans that shared China's interests and values on important things, even though they disagreed on others. Diplomacy and power relationships are full of gives and takes, cooperation and competitions. To me the highlight of Chinese diplomatic success is the clear segregation of core interests and irritations with remarkable steadiness to keep irritations at the rhetorical level. Chinese leaders also learned (smartly and selectively) from others (notably the US) how to leverage various tools available to a superpower to advance China's interest. We learned both successes and failures in military strategy and hardware development, economic development, industrial policy, and many others.

that's why as a Chinese I have no problem respecting and learning from an individual American. more broadly, there are awesome people and shitty people in every country. Even good people are not perfect. We learn to grow us, not to become them.

I don't think so I observe China US relationship for a long time US attitude change over the time but they want to keep their hegemony in east Asia and working assiduously toward that goal. They are not friendly at all toward China. First they support Japan in Shimonoseki treaty forcing China to pay huge sum of money. They don't do anything when Japan invade China remember the pacific war started in 1931 long before Japan bomb Pearl harbour, US does not prevent Japan from occupying Liaodong peninsula after Versailles treaty. They did support the Kuomintang in WWII to tie down million of Japanese army from being deploy elsewhere.

In Chinese civil war they support Kuomintang to prevent the communist from winning civil war. Then they put economic embargo on China that last until Nixon visit China. I mean there is no friend in politic only interest. The purpose of nixon visit is to weaken Soviet Union and force her to spent billion on weapon which she cannot afford in resulting in break up of Soviet union . So it is self interest that motivate rapprochement with China.

US is late comer when it come to investing in China but again self interest motivate the move to invest in China. With labor cost is so low in China it is no brainer why the west invest in China. Of course there are well meaning westerner who support for better relation with China. A lot people get rich because of China trade including this guy Orlin. Using trade, people to people contact and facilitate access to US university, they believe they can persuade the Chinese elite, masses to adopt western democracy and ditch communism in China. But alas no such thing happened and now they feel cheated and even the left now is hating China because their delusion does not come true.

To some degree they find success with Chinese elite in academia and even in politic until Xi come to power and start to reign in this western sympathizer .


Junior Member
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Another win for Biden then. Lol.

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Fed up with the U.S., Ukraine cuts deals with China and shuts up about the Uyghurs​

Without explanation, Ukraine took its signature off a statement asking China to let observers into Xinjiang to investigate allegations of persecution of Uyghurs.

Image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Visits Berlin

July 29, 2021, 4:30 AM EDT
By Dan De Luce and Veronika Melkozerova
WASHINGTON — Frustrated with the U.S.,
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with a rival superpower, inviting China to build infrastructure while holding back criticism of Beijing's human rights record.

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last month touted agreements with China to build airports, roads and railways in the Eastern European country and expressed gratitude for deliveries of
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But fundamentally doesn't Ukraine have to obey the US in the end for help to act against its neighboring enemy Russia and sabotage Nord Stream 2? I think it's too early to say the US is losing Ukraine to China. Like in the article, Ukraine's pro-US, pro-Western nature and reliance on US still haven't changed and they are currently preoccupied with the Nord Stream 2 issue. Ukraine will be on the US side in the end. Maybe desperate Ukraine is using China as a leverage to seek attention and get support they want from the US.


Lieutenant General
China wants to play neutral so it shouldn't expect any country to commit to them. So of course Ukraine is using China as much as they can since the US is violating its so-called own honor and integrity needing Russia more for its own geopolitical interests over any violations against Ukraine they played up.


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I don't think so I observe China US relationship for a long time US attitude change over the time but they want to keep their hegemony in east Asia and working assiduously toward that goal. They are not friendly at all toward China. First they support Japan in Shimonoseki treaty forcing China to pay huge sum of money. They don't do anything when Japan invade China remember the pacific war started in 1931 long before Japan bomb Pearl harbour, US does not prevent Japan from occupying Liaodong peninsula after Versailles treaty. They did support the Kuomintang in WWII to tie down million of Japanese army from being deploy elsewhere.

In Chinese civil war they support Kuomintang to prevent the communist from winning civil war. Then they put economic embargo on China that last until Nixon visit China. I mean there is no friend in politic only interest. The purpose of nixon visit is to weaken Soviet Union and force her to spent billion on weapon which she cannot afford in resulting in break up of Soviet union . So it is self interest that motivate rapprochement with China.

US is late comer when it come to investing in China but again self interest motivate the move to invest in China. With labor cost is so low in China it is no brainer why the west invest in China. Of course there are well meaning westerner who support for better relation with China. A lot people get rich because of China trade including this guy Orlin. Using trade, people to people contact and facilitate access to US university, they believe they can persuade the Chinese elite, masses to adopt western democracy and ditch communism in China. But alas no such thing happened and now they feel cheated and even the left now is hating China because their delusion does not come true.

To some degree they find success with Chinese elite in academia and even in politic until Xi come to power and start to reign in this western sympathizer .
But my point was never that the US was a friend (a highly subjective term). All countries act to advance their own national interests. China doesn't expect the US to act against their own interest just for China. What China does is to argue and convince the US to act in a certain way (that benefits China) for US's own interests. That to me is what engagement and diplomacy is all about. When countries engage, they are all committed to a stage that allows them to influence each other by learning what others think/want and vise-versa and BE influenced. If we don't genuinely give others a chance to change us, we don't get an opportunity to change others for our own benefit either. But how everything end up playing out is up to the strength of our own hand and our diplomats' skills.

It's obvious when we got what we wanted diplomatically, it was good for us. But what about when others want something from us? When Russia annexed Crimea, China initially opposed it. But we let Russia change our mind because it serves our interest better to protect Russia's core interest to solidify an ally than to uphold a principle. Now I think it's clearly a good call given the west can't let go of the Crimea issue. Another case is when the Qing Emperor didn't let the first British envoy to change his mind to open China up for trade. We all know how that turned out.

Ultimately, our national interest is the result of our leaders' and people's wisdom and diligence. It's good to have some good hearted foreigners (and there were). But it is more important to self-strengthen rather complaint about others (unless as a tool, which everyone uses).

In terms of Orlin, I think the engagement camps in both China and the US (Orlin included) did a great service to their respective countries and really advanced both countries' interests. The difference is that China did other things that helped China to become stronger, while the US engaged in endless wars and neglected their own workers. They can't blame engagement or China. I think China is still working with the US engagement camp to get China-US back to a less hostile relation because China cares more about China being strong than US being strong. But China hawks in the US are willing to slow US down to stop China's growth because their goal is hegemony. So China works with Americans that are pro-engagement (we work with China friendly factions in every country, just like everyone else).

Last, I would caution against using terms like 'western sympathizer.' We Chinese people around the world are facing enough racism and repression by foreign powers, the last thing I want to see is Chinese people hurting each other with these toxic online comments. Part of China's diplomatic success is attributable to the fact that there so many Chinese speak native level English and truly understand how westerners think, their strengths and weaknesses (we just don’t want people to radicalize). I sometimes watch US think tankers analyze China and marveled by how childish they could be because they can’t put themselves in our shoes. To me what matters is not what my compatriots’ political views but their hearts (Are we all on Team China?) We Chinese people say 和而不同, harmonious but different. Don’t we Chinese people feel lucky that Yang Jiechi, a factory worker, somehow decided to do something different by learning English (easily counter revolutionary) when the whole country was in Cultural Revolution with anti-American imperialism in full swing? Now Team China is more harmonious and more diverse than ever. That's a strength, not weakness. The US got diversity down, but they lost harmony. That makes them weak. When China weakened to the lowest point after decades of civil wars, Japan launched full scale invasion.


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But my point was never that the US was a friend (a highly subjective term). All countries act to advance their own national interests. China doesn't expect the US to act against their own interest just for China. What China does is to argue and convince the US to act in a certain way (that benefits China) for US's own interests. That to me is what engagement and diplomacy is all about. When countries engage, they are all committed to a stage that allows them to influence each other by learning what others think/want and vise-versa and BE influenced. If we don't genuinely give others a chance to change us, we don't get an opportunity to change others for our own benefit either. But how everything end up playing out is up to the strength of our own hand and our diplomats' skills.

It's obvious when we got what we wanted diplomatically, it was good for us. But what about when others want something from us? When Russia annexed Crimea, China initially opposed it. But we let Russia change our mind because it serves our interest better to protect Russia's core interest to solidify an ally than to uphold a principle. Now I think it's clearly a good call given the west can't let go of the Crimea issue. Another case is when the Qing Emperor didn't let the first British envoy to change his mind to open China up for trade. We all know how that turned out.

Ultimately, our national interest is the result of our leaders' and people's wisdom and diligence. It's good to have some good hearted foreigners (and there were). But it is more important to self-strengthen rather complaint about others (unless as a tool, which everyone uses).

In terms of Orlin, I think the engagement camps in both China and the US (Orlin included) did a great service to their respective countries and really advanced both countries' interests. The difference is that China did other things that helped China to become stronger, while the US engaged in endless wars and neglected their own workers. They can't blame engagement or China. I think China is still working with the US engagement camp to get China-US back to a less hostile relation because China cares more about China being strong than US being strong. But China hawks in the US are willing to slow US down to stop China's growth because their goal is hegemony. So China works with Americans that are pro-engagement (we work with China friendly factions in every country, just like everyone else).

Last, I would caution against using terms like 'western sympathizer.' We Chinese people around the world are facing enough racism and repression by foreign powers, the last thing I want to see is Chinese people hurting each other with these toxic online comments. Part of China's diplomatic success is attributable to the fact that there so many Chinese speak native level English and truly understand how westerners think, their strengths and weaknesses (we just don’t want people to radicalize). I sometimes watch US think tankers analyze China and marveled by how childish they could be because they can’t put themselves in our shoes. To me what matters is not what my compatriots’ political views but their hearts (Are we all on Team China?) We Chinese people say 和而不同, harmonious but different. Don’t we Chinese people feel lucky that Yang Jiechi, a factory worker, somehow decided to do something different by learning English (easily counter revolutionary) when the whole country was in Cultural Revolution with anti-American imperialism in full swing? Now Team China is more harmonious and more diverse than ever. That's a strength, not weakness. The US got diversity down, but they lost harmony. That makes them weak. When China weakened to the lowest point after decades of civil wars, Japan launched full scale invasion.
Engagement doesn’t entail being lectured by a failure on how to conduct your own internal affairs and sympathizing with that failure. Otherwise would be just like the good cop bad/cop routine. Whatever use Orlin had been in the past he’s pretty useless now. Maybe he can be of some use in the future but only as a tool nothing more. There is a clear difference between understanding the west and being a puppet(like some in HK and Taiwan), it’s idiotic to conflate the two.


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Engagement doesn’t entail being lectured by a failure on how to conduct your own internal affairs and sympathizing with that failure. Otherwise would be just like the good cop bad/cop routine. Whatever use Orlin had been in the past he’s pretty useless now. Maybe he can be of some use in the future but only as a tool nothing more. There is a clear difference between understanding the west and being a puppet(like some in HK and Taiwan), it’s idiotic to conflate the two.
Yes they lecture us. We just lecture them right back. China and US are both big boys and they didn't get their FEELINGs hurt in the process. When you are a superpower, everyone wants something from you, everyone complain to and about you. the first thing you do is grow some thicker skin and carry on. On the other hand, do you really want the US stop lecturing other countries about human right and actually improve their own human rights, take care of their own people, and fiercely protect their own economy and jobs? in other words, do you REALLY want the US to behave as well as China?

About Orlin, he is clearly friendly and just towards China (for the interest of HIS COUNTRY of course). If you talk about someone like him in that kind of tune, how do you interact with westeners in your daily life? I thought we Chinese people pride ourselves for our 礼义廉耻.

We Chinese people failed to properly handle the division among us about Taiwan and HK and gave the west a chance to hurt us. Am I frustrated by some of the radical movements in HK and Taiwan? Yes. But I want to ask you, how is your name calling suppose to help the Chinese people heal and unite? How is your name calling making China better and stronger?