Discussing Biden's Potential China Policy

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"The voices in Beijing arguing that it is time to use these newfound military capabilities against Taiwan have grown louder, a telling development in an era of greater censorship. Several retired military officers have argued publicly that the longer China waits, the harder it will be to take control of Taiwan. Articles in state-run news outlets and on popular websites have likewise urged China to act swiftly. And if public opinion polls are to be believed, the Chinese people agree that the time has come to resolve the Taiwan issue once and for all. According to a survey by the state-run Global Times, 70 percent of mainlanders
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using force to unify Taiwan with the mainland, and 37 percent think it would be best if the war occurred in three to five years."

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No Type 004, no war on Taiwan. No H-20, no war on Taiwan.


Any goodwill between China and Taiwan has been evaproated over the years. Even the most deadhard supporters of peaceful reunification have come to term that a reunification through peaceful mean is not possible anymore. So I think the poll is about right of more people are demanding reunification by force. However, I would say the timing of military actions wouldn't be imminent. Military readiness and economic decoupling are not at the point that favor the use of force. So saying 3-5 years is just more wishful thinking unless Taiwan declared independent.


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If we're talking about China at war, one of the biggest things is the 230 nuclear missile silos that China is currently building.

Theoretically there could be 230 missiles carrying 2300 nuclear warheads.

But even 500 extra nuclear warheads would be enough to deter the USA


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No offence but these people can go straight to hell, they seem to think that they can change China with all these underhanded means and that they can shame China into change by repeating these human rights bullshit 24/7, especially about Xinjiang as though they have the moral high ground when they have done so much worse then China in all manners of speaking in the middle east. Until China has managed to kill 600k+ foreigners for no reason but because an idiot decided to bring telcom powder to congress to justify a war that has still not been put on trial because they never found the WMD ever, the really the only crime here is that they old pieces of double standard shit can quite frankly quit and depart this mortal coil quickly to avoid throwing out any more of these stupid fantasies about moral high grounds and trying to force China to change its policies while the USA doesn't do anything but point and laugh like they did to Russia. But one day, when the USA collapses under its own weight, by painting China as the villain, it means that the human rights argument isn't going to hold China or Russia back since the USA has given them no reason to believe that the USA is capable of change until they burn the nation to the ground and actually force them to see the harm the USA has done. Its like trying to teach people common sense but it simply not sticking because the lesson didn't have the consequences to force the person to commit it to memory so really, they only way is through extreme force without relent to make these people learn.
If you are Chinese and you think Steven Orlins should "go straight to hell," then I think you either don't know him all that well or your have gone so far with your anti-US stance that you have lost interest to learn any nuance among the diverse views in a wide range of influential Americans. It is true that he criticizes certain Chinese behaviors, but he never hesitate to point out when an accusation towards China is clearly bogus or a Chinese action is a reaction to a US action. He believes the US policy toward China should focus on cooperation rather than confrontation and wants the two powers to get along. Isn't that what we Chinese people want as well and our M of FA working hard to achieve?

In terms of human rights in Xinjiang, he had vehemently argued against BS being thrown at China. What he did criticize was 1) China's anti-terror campaign was harsher and broader than necessary and 2) China has chosen to accelerate what would have been natural sinicization of minorities. Both of these I think China can do it more openly and better and be confident. I personally welcome constructive criticism like his and only fight back demonization. If I truly dislike someone, I would never tell them what they did wrong and just let them dig a bigger hole for themselves.


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This is the sort of gaslighting that westerners love to indulge in when it comes to China; strangely, it appears to a feature of anglo whites to want to pretend to be other races in order to subvert them whereas very very few han Chinese actually want to pretend to be Mr Americanese from Cincinnati. There's a reason why r/asablackman exists.

Anyway, back on topic,
It's clear Biden's plan is to wring out a written commitment by nations to say they will go to war with the US against china (china not yet being named) hence the numerous QUADs being ushered out in Asia today.

btw, it looks like the US is at a loss of what to do re China's diplomatic outreach to the Taliban, whilst ordering the Indians not to work with the taliban, blinken is forced to praise the Chinese diplomatic coup
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LOL watching Blinken immediately contradict himself in front of the Indians must've been highly embarrassing.


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"1) China's anti-terror campaign was harsher and broader than necessary"


And this statement comes from the deadliest Empire the face of the earth has ever known

(1846-1920) Wall Street Wars
(1945-1991) Adolf II War
(1991-2021) Ziocon Wars

In the future and in the unlikely event that this world continues to exist, historians will see your terrible empire as the Assyrian empire but with better music

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It would take 40 thick volumes to recount the atrocities and aggressions committed by this dreadful American empire


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"Meanwhile, another conflict was brewing between the White House and then-Defense Secretary Ashton Carter over whether to identify China as a strategic competitor with the United States. Privately, Obama
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publicly declaring “strategic competition,” but for the Pentagon, the designation was necessary to generate congressional support for more defense spending."

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Junior Member
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"1) China's anti-terror campaign was harsher and broader than necessary"


And this statement comes from the deadliest Empire the face of the earth has ever known

(1846-1920) Wall Street Wars
(1945-1991) Adolf II War
(1991-2021) Ziocon Wars

In the future and in the unlikely event that this world continues to exist, historians will see your terrible empire as the Assyrian empire but with better music

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It would take 40 thick volumes to recount the atrocities and aggressions committed by this dreadful American empire
The statement did not come from an empire. It came from an individual American that are widely considered China Dove and played a significant role in building and maintaining a friendly relationship between China and the US in the past and is still actually advising the current USG to go back to that relationship. I believe he is well received by the Chinese diplomatic circle.

the statement that did come from the 'empire,' as represented by the current USG, says China is committing genocide in Xinjiang.

I don't think anyone disagrees that the US has committed atrocities. But as a Chinese person, I am here to learn and cheer for the fantastic Team China's handling of the China-US relationship and their hard work protecting Chinese interests. I am sorry for other people who had been wronged by US actions. But I care much more about how foreign powered had wronged China. And that country is Japan, not the US. Yes we fought the US in Korea. But China and the US fought Japan together (and without the US we would have suffered under Japan much longer), partnered to resist the soviet expansionism which posted a much greater threat to China than the US, China supplied Vietnam to fight the US but withdrew support at the request of the US, the US helped China to upgrade military hardware (J8) when we were fighting Vietnam's expansionism, the US business helped lobby for China's most favored nation status (later turned into the WTO) after 89 student movement. How did Chinese leaders achieve all these? They worked with groups of Americans that shared China's interests and values on important things, even though they disagreed on others. Diplomacy and power relationships are full of gives and takes, cooperation and competitions. To me the highlight of Chinese diplomatic success is the clear segregation of core interests and irritations with remarkable steadiness to keep irritations at the rhetorical level. Chinese leaders also learned (smartly and selectively) from others (notably the US) how to leverage various tools available to a superpower to advance China's interest. We learned both successes and failures in military strategy and hardware development, economic development, industrial policy, and many others.

that's why as a Chinese I have no problem respecting and learning from an individual American. more broadly, there are awesome people and shitty people in every country. Even good people are not perfect. We learn to grow us, not to become them.