Crisis in the Ukraine

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Junior Member
The World Economic Forum meeting that was more important sign post for peace and recovery of east Ukraine but which was ignored by western media.

Note point 6:

Guarantee the security and sovereignty of Ukraine by the international community. Recognize the
supremacy of international law above national interests. Recognize the right of self-determination but
encourage to consider a policy of military non-alignment for Ukraine, comparable to the status of other
European countries (i.e. Finland, Sweden, Switzerland).

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No, this is not another Putin's invasion of Ukraine:

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Senior Member
Truth is coming to the open no matter how much you lot try to deny it. Russians lost hundreds of men KIA in Ukraine and who knows how many were crippled for life.
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Well, those hundreds of men killed certainly have names, address and most likely families. Job of investigative journalist would be to document those cases, check were they volunteers, professionals or conscripts etc ... Instead, we have usual puff piece of BBC propaganda, one of the reasons why they lost much of their credibility.

In other news , Ukrainian president Poroshenko claims that Ukraine lost 60-65% of equipment sent to front

The Ukrainian leader, in a televised question and answer session with a group of Ukrainian journalists after returning from the United States, acknowledged that Ukrainian troops were still being killed but he said the death rate was 'ten times fewer' than before.

"It's not possible to win ... purely by military means. The more Ukrainian army battalions or brigades are brought up, the more troops there are from the Russian Federation," he said, adding that 60-65 percent of Ukraine's military equipment on the front-line had been destroyed.

And Ukraine would not win without international support, he added, suggesting he had been under pressure from the U.S. and other Western governments to declare a ceasefire and work for a political compromise.

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Well, those hundreds of men killed certainly have names, address and most likely families. Job of investigative journalist would be to document those cases, check were they volunteers, professionals or conscripts etc ...

Thud, if you believe non-Kremlin Russian TV, look here (Active Duty, not "tourists who went to fight instead of going to the beach"):
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another source is checking on the fate of:

1. Алиев Абдулхаким Байрамалиевич; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
2. Андриянов Сергей; 137 ПДП в/ч 41450;
3. Араптанов Марсель Мухарамович; 17 ОМСБр в/ч 65384;
4. Арутюнян Роберт Мартунович 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
5. Бараков Владислав Александрович; 6-я ОТБр в/ч 54096;
6. Баранов Александр; 76 ДШД; в/ч 74268;
7. Бушин Николай; Ульяновск; 31 гв. ОДШБр в/ч 73612;
8. Ведерников Александр; в/ч 63356;
9. Волков Сергей Михайлович; 76 гв. ДШД 234 ДШП в/ч 74268;
10. Воронов Александр; 9 ОМСБР в/ч 54046;
11. Герасимов Сергей; 16 ОБрСпН, в/ч 54607;
12. Гусамов Рустам Ринатович; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
13. Давоян Армен; 9 ОМСБР; в/ч 54046;
14. Данилян Артур Бабкенович; 247 ДШП в/ч 54801;
15. Даргиев Рахман Рамзанович; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
16. Дмитрий Ермаков 6-я ОТБр в/ч 54096;
17. Ефремов Александр; 45 ОП СпН ВДВв/ч 28337;
18. Закаев Ибрагим Саид-Аминович; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
19. Ибрагимов Хизир Хусейнович; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
20. Караваев Василий; 21 ОМСБр в/ч 12128;
21. Карпенко Алексей Васильевич; 76 гв ДШД в/ч 74268;
22. Кильченбаев Ильнур Ряжалович; 31 гв. ОДШБр в/ч 73612;
23. Кинибаев Тлеужан; 76 гв ДШД в/ч 74268;
24. Кичаткин Леонид Юрьевич; 76 ДШД в/ч 74268;
25. Клейн Владимир Вольдемарович; Кантемировская 275 САП в/ч 48763;
26. Климов Сергей; 31 гв. ОДШБр в/ч 73612;
27. Ковалев Вячеслав; 31 гв. ОДШБр в/ч 73612;
28. Короленко Антон; 76 ДШД в/ч 74268;
29. Кузьмин Константин; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
30. Максутов Ильдар; 106 гв. ВДД 137 гв. ПДП в/ч 41450;
31. Махматханов Майрабек Махматсултанович; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
32. Медведев Максим; 45 ОП СпН ВДВ в/ч 28337;
33. Мидаев Магомед Хизирович; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
34. Мисирбаев Арби Умалтаевич; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
35. Муратов Давран; 31 гв. ОДШБр в/ч 73612;
36. Назиров Исмаил Солманович; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
37. Осипов Александр Сергеевич; 76 ДШД в/ч 74268;
38. Палкин Николай; Кантемировская 275 САП в/ч 48763;
39. Селезнев Сергей Александрович; 331 ПДП в/ч 71211,
40. Семакин Павел; 76 гв ДШД в/ч 74268;
41. Соколов Никита Иванович; 76 гв ДШД в/ч 74268;
42. Страх Денис; 247 гв. ДШП в/ч 54801;
43. Терехов Анатолий, 7-я военная база ВС РФ в/ч 09332;
44. Тимин Захар 1 мсв 33-я майкопская отд. горная мотострелковая бр. В/ч 22179;
45. Тимошкин Алексей; 76 гв ДШД в/ч 74268;
46. Туманов Антон Михайлович; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
47. Федоров Владимир Васильевич; 18 ОМСБР в/ч 27777;
48. Фетисов Алексей; 8-я ОМСБр в/ч 16544;
49. Хлебков Виталий; 6-я Ченстоховская ОТБ в/ч 54096;
50. Худяков Сергей: В/ч 08275, 200-я ОМОН СФ Мурманская область, п.Печенга, п.В.Луостари
51. Шараборин Николай; 247 гв. ДШП в/ч 54801;
52. Яковлев Артем; 106 ВДД


1. Агагулиев Елхан; 31 Гв. ОДШБр, в/ч 73612 пропал бв
2. Ахметов Руслан; 31 Гв. ОДШБр, в/ч 73612 пропал бв
3. Балабанов Андрей; 23-я ОМСБр в/ч 65349 пропал бв
4. Балобанов Андрей 23-я ОМСБр в/ч 65349 пропал бв
5. Веселов Егор Павлович 98 гв. ВДД 331 гв. ПДП в/ч 71211 в плену
6. Докучаев Андрей Александрович 98 гв. ВДД 331 гв. ПДП в/ч 71211 пропал бв
7. Жилин Павел Анатольевич; 98 гв. ВДД 331 гв. ПДП в/ч 71211 пропал бв
8. Ильмитов Арсений 31 Гв. ОДШБр, в/ч 73612 пропал бв
9. Кошкаров Константин 31 Гв. ОДШБр, в/ч 73612 пропал бв
10. Ленченко Антон 31 Гв. ОДШБр, в/ч 73612 пропал бв
11. Максимов Илья 76 ДШД в/ч 74268 пропал бв
12. Мередиянев Влад 106 гв ВДД 137 ПДП вч 41450 пропал бв
13. Орониязов Руфат; 18 МСБр в/ч 27777; пропал бв
14. Селезнев Сергей 98 ВДД пропал бв
15. Серва Дмитрий 18-ая бригада РЭБ в/ч 41158; пропал бв
16. Соколов Артем 98 гв. ВДД 331 гв. ПДП в/ч 71211 пропал бв
17. Ткаченко Иван 76 ДШД в/ч 74268; пропал бв
18. Усмонов Рахмудин; 15 ОМСБр 2 МСБ в/ч 90600 пропал бв
19. Федоров Руслан 76 ДШД в/ч 74268 пропал бв
20. Федорченко Андрей Сергеевич; 6-я ОТБр в/ч 54096 в плену? убит?

I'm not going to cross-check the names on that TV list and those given above.


Junior Member
Cassad was asked about casualties on both sides:

"Colonel, do you have a close to accurate information about the losses of the parties for the time of warfare? If the part has passed through ukrov already over 10 thousand, then the militia do not understand ... and what percentage of them are "vacationers"? .. In my opinion the total loss of the junta since the war began about 12-15 thousand. killed. Army Novorossia 3-4 thousand. Override from militias known, is often impossible to establish who died, and it was full of unmarked mass graves."

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Thud, if you believe non-Kremlin Russian TV, look here (Active Duty, not "tourists who went to fight instead of going to the beach"):

I counted 17 KIA + few MIA , let's round that at 20 . Others are captured and/or wounded . As far as I understand Russian, all of them are professional (contract) soldiers except maybe in one case . Most of them from airborne assault troops . Were they really volunteers (went to fight instead of going to the beach) , or were they ordered to go to Ukraine ? Hard to tell, but overall there are no "hundreds of dead" and certainly no proof for massive intervention portrayed by some media.

What really happened is that Moscow provided logistics and some of the weapons for the rebels , plus there were volunteers , mercenaries and some special forces on their side. Nobody really denied that , as nobody denied presence of volunteers, mercenaries and "advisors" from Western countries on Ukrainian side . Usual proxy war.
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