I don't think they can for China to pay them for their own failures. If so then why hasn't the US been repaying for the mess that was the H1N1? I do believe there will be many who will back up China in this as if not for them, the situation would've been much worse.Alot of countries will follow US bandwagon this time to force China to pay because their citizens have died.
They talk about freezing China oversea assets and wipe out countries debt owned to China.
If indeed its true, that China pouring money into biological weapon research at P4 lab at wuhan yet it didn't put any money into EUV/DUV lithography , then its asking for troubles. It got what it deserved this time around.
Lastly, I doubt there is any actual proof of a bio lab in Wuhan. There is a higher chance that the virus has been existing for a much longer time before even being in Wuhan.