Healthcare workers on the frontline are more at risk since I'm assuming part of it is about the viral load and exposure length and intensity... this may be also why they say even a homemade mask is better than nothing and even N95 isn't 100% but still good enough most of the time. it is to decrease the exposure level and total amount of virus particles that one comes into contact with.
Sort of like radiation exposure, in the Demon Core experiment gone wrong, the guy closest to the core died, the other people feet away survived but later got cancer etc
I got a portable nebulizer and am inhaling at least twice daily the nanoparticle silver solution deep into my lungs as a first line of defense... in hopes if I get a low yield of COVID exposure it will not get traction and won't go critical in terms of sustained replication
Also taking large doses of Vitamin C, and on top of that vitamin D, Zinc, and probiotics and NAC
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You want to be more careful about that silver stuff. The nanoparticles might interact with the lipid lining inside your lungs and potentially destroy the lining. Then your lungs are toasted. You want to be careful about any aerosol sprays for that matter. They will get into your lungs and dissolve that oily lining that is essential for your lungs to work. I know that the silver thing has been around for a long time, but still don’t do too much of it.
Anything “nano”, you want to be extra careful. Gold is good and stable. But gold nanoparticles destroy electronics they touch... Carbon is stable and good. Carbon nanoparticles are highly toxic. That thing is so nasty that we used to wear 3 layers of special gloves when handling them. We didn’t even know if it eats through the gloves and didn’t want to find out. So 3 layers of specialized gloves...