Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Healthcare workers on the frontline are more at risk since I'm assuming part of it is about the viral load and exposure length and intensity... this may be also why they say even a homemade mask is better than nothing and even N95 isn't 100% but still good enough most of the time. it is to decrease the exposure level and total amount of virus particles that one comes into contact with.

Sort of like radiation exposure, in the Demon Core experiment gone wrong, the guy closest to the core died, the other people feet away survived but later got cancer etc

I got a portable nebulizer and am inhaling at least twice daily the nanoparticle silver solution deep into my lungs as a first line of defense... in hopes if I get a low yield of COVID exposure it will not get traction and won't go critical in terms of sustained replication

Also taking large doses of Vitamin C, and on top of that vitamin D, Zinc, and probiotics and NAC

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You want to be more careful about that silver stuff. The nanoparticles might interact with the lipid lining inside your lungs and potentially destroy the lining. Then your lungs are toasted. You want to be careful about any aerosol sprays for that matter. They will get into your lungs and dissolve that oily lining that is essential for your lungs to work. I know that the silver thing has been around for a long time, but still don’t do too much of it.

Anything “nano”, you want to be extra careful. Gold is good and stable. But gold nanoparticles destroy electronics they touch... Carbon is stable and good. Carbon nanoparticles are highly toxic. That thing is so nasty that we used to wear 3 layers of special gloves when handling them. We didn’t even know if it eats through the gloves and didn’t want to find out. So 3 layers of specialized gloves...


Senior Member
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Countries are piling to ask for compensation for Virus Pandemic damage from China's action. US asking $2 Trillion, UK asking $600Billion, India asking too... A lot of countries would also step forward.

How should China handle this??? LOL


Registered Member
Countries are piling to ask for compensation for Virus Pandemic damage from China's action. US asking $2 Trillion, UK asking $600Billion, India asking too... A lot of countries would also step forward.

How should China handle this??? LOL

With enough sitmulus, nothing is impossible :D.


@hydrogenpi don't do that silver stuff or you'll end up like this guy:


many want to basically not pay back the US debt owned by China. Like this:
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However, they're either willfully ignorant or just stupid because China's debt holdings are state secret. Also, China can immediately dump the treasuries.
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Junior Member
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Countries are piling to ask for compensation for Virus Pandemic damage from China's action. US asking $2 Trillion, UK asking $600Billion, India asking too... A lot of countries would also step forward.

How should China handle this??? LOL
Well in the modern nuclear age I doubt it will be a repeat of the "Eight-Nation Alliance" ganging up on China that happened long ago... but I can see how the West/US might captialize on the situation and seize the geopolitical oppurtunity to lead an isolation of China in terms of diplomatic relationships, trade, supply chain, etc and attempt to cause a broader decoupling not just of the US vs China but the US lead "Western" bloc against that of the China and BRI/OBOR etc basically to persuade nations that would have joined the Chinese sphere of influence (Italy, UK, etc etc) to revert back to the US hegemony.

China is obviously not going to agree to pay for anything, but I could see how if US can get broad consensus of how its China's fault and have a worldwide "judgement" imposed upon China that the US could default /regene on the debt that it owes China, the rest of the world will come to acceptance/understanding and it wouldn't impact the standing/status/trust in the US treasury/USD etc... This will give America one powerful leg up in the "great power competition" and go a long way towards restorings its hegemony and fulfill Trump's campaign promise of cutting back from China whilsts Making America Great Again. Maybe this will even embolden other smaller nations to default on debt owned to China at no cost to them, after all if they all gang up on China what can China do about it? Nothing much.

Boris of UK is already talking about banning Huawei and with UK out, the rest of the nations in the EU and elsewhere might also follow in terms of abandoning Huawei.... if Boris doesn't make it and leaves the ICU in a bodybag you can bet the right wing will take over in the UK and this will be a great strategic win for the US/West.... now add fuel to fire the fake news of COVID being caused by 5G and all the 5G towers getting burned down, Huawei has the most to lose from this since Huawei was the 5G leader globally.

I think COVID has the potential to put Xi's BRI/OBOR dreams on hold at the least, maybe even destroy his vision/pet project, and may be the impetus that finally puts nail on the coffin of Huawei's 5G ambitions and plans...

I don't see a good play for China here.... but what it must do is become quickly completely self sufficient from A to Z like you stated... if it cannot be rich at least it must be able to live comfortably within its own realm... and not rely on the West for anything.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Well in the modern nuclear age I doubt it will be a repeat of the "Eight-Nation Alliance" ganging up on China that happened long ago... but I can see how the West/US might captialize on the situation and seize the geopolitical oppurtunity to lead an isolation of China in terms of diplomatic relationships, trade, supply chain, etc and attempt to cause a broader decoupling not just of the US vs China but the US lead "Western" bloc against that of the China and BRI/OBOR etc basically to persuade nations that would have joined the Chinese sphere of influence (Italy, UK, etc etc) to revert back to the US hegemony.

China is obviously not going to agree to pay for anything, but I could see how if US can get broad consensus of how its China's fault and have a worldwide "judgement" imposed upon China that the US could default /regene on the debt that it owes China, the rest of the world will come to acceptance/understanding and it wouldn't impact the standing/status/trust in the US treasury/USD etc... This will give America one powerful leg up in the "great power competition" and go a long way towards restorings its hegemony and fulfill Trump's campaign promise of cutting back from China whilsts Making America Great Again. Maybe this will even embolden other smaller nations to default on debt owned to China at no cost to them, after all if they all gang up on China what can China do about it? Nothing much.

Boris of UK is already talking about banning Huawei and with UK out, the rest of the nations in the EU and elsewhere might also follow in terms of abandoning Huawei.... if Boris doesn't make it and leaves the ICU in a bodybag you can bet the right wing will take over in the UK and this will be a great strategic win for the US/West.... now add fuel to fire the fake news of COVID being caused by 5G and all the 5G towers getting burned down, Huawei has the most to lose from this since Huawei was the 5G leader globally.

I think COVID has the potential to put Xi's BRI/OBOR dreams on hold at the least, maybe even destroy his vision/pet project, and may be the impetus that finally puts nail on the coffin of Huawei's 5G ambitions and plans...

I don't see a good play for China here.... but what it must do is become quickly completely self sufficient from A to Z like you stated... if it cannot be rich at least it must be able to live comfortably within its own realm... and not rely on the West for anything.
Alot of countries will follow US bandwagon this time to force China to pay because their citizens have died.
They talk about freezing China oversea assets and wipe out countries debt owned to China.

If indeed its true, that China pouring money into biological weapon research at P4 lab at wuhan yet it didn't put any money into EUV/DUV lithography , then its asking for troubles. It got what it deserved this time around.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
That's the mature way to deal with these things.

I am afraid for India and sub continent. And other countries of lesser medical network and resourced.
My fear is altruistic.

C19 once taken hold there will live on there as a reservoir to re emerge to say "hi world" again and again and again.
Perhaps mutated to even more virulent forms.


One of my buddies, also my former classmate in graduate school (he went on and got his MD along with his PhD), is an ER doctor and has been treating COVID-19 patients for the past two weeks. He just wrote on his Facebook that, when/if he gets intubated, he wants a specific kind of anesthesia so that he could stay awake during the whole procedure... He wants to stay conscious while fighting for his life. Although he’s making it sound like a joke, I can tell he’s nervous...

I have another friend who is an open heart surgeon. Last week, another surgeon, whom he performed a surgery with, got tested positive for COVID-19. They immediately tested my friend along with all their staff. Fortunately, he’s negative. Over the weekend, his wife told us that she couldn’t sleep the entire time while they were waiting for the test result to come back. That’s 3 days with no sleep... And during that time, my friend was told not to go home and was quarantined at work. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to call his wife but was worried she might start crying. But if he didn’t call, he’s worried that she might get upset... So he had one of the nurses call her. He’s so afraid that she might start crying...

Guys! These are truly brave soldiers who are risking their own lives to fight the virus and save the lives of others. I guess this is indeed World War III...

The best help we can give them is to be more careful and stay healthy ourselves. The more of us staying healthy, the less of us will be in the hospital, and less pressure on them.

In my home region a surgical and nursing team,13 in number have been put in isolation because they had performed surgery on a patient who upon regaining consciousness told them he had been diagnosed with covid19.
This has got me stumped because if he was under going elective surgery he would have been medically checked out before the operation.
Unless it was an emergency op as in traffic accident.


Lieutenant General
People believe what they believe more because they want to believe it. No amount of proof is going to change their minds. And some want to just see you doing backflips trying to convince them otherwise because it give them a sense of power seeing you obey. They make accusations of China with no proof. What do you think their goal is? They want sufficient proof? No. Like they would believe it? How about it's just another excuse to change China overall to their liking? Look at the politicians that didn't take the coronavirus seriously. They're also the loudest in calling for China to pay. Do you think it's just money? China has to change entirely to their liking and most of it will have nothing to do with coronavirus in order to prove to them that China is sincere. That's what it takes. You're wasting your time trying prove anything to them.


Lieutenant General
Well governor Cuomo will get his Ventilator for sure just in time Tuesday supposed to be the day when the stock of ventilator will run out

2000 ventilators, 170K goggles, 1.3 million KN95 masks and 1.3 million surgical masks donated by Tsai Foundation have all arrived in New York by April 4. Joseph Tsai is
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owner and co-founder of Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba.

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