Jura The idiot
Mar 26, 2020
2985 (March 30) - 2431 (March 29) = 554
7007 (April 3) - 5821 (April 2) = 1186
as for today, it's middle of the night in Hawaii now, but let's get ready
... - 9534 (April 5) = ...
in reaction to Mar 26, 2020No, your model is inaccurate, while the numbers will increase exponentially, the West and East coasts each have large populations of "at risk" community's. Atlanta and Chicago are also a large "at risk" populations, and there are others through out the country, but there simply is not the "population density" to fuel the numbers coming out of New York.
Europe has a very high population density as well, much like Wuhan, Italy, and Spain, there are lots of questions about why it seems to be more virulent in some communities and less so in other communities.
So lets leave some of the "sky is falling" drama to "chicken little", it serves no purpose here other than to fuel discord....
This is a virulent contagion that will fuel some very frightening numbers, but thankfully your data and your method are flawed, amateurs should leave the projections to accurate scientific models that factor in accurate data, not mass hysteria.
So lets stick to our forte's, and leave the the projections to those to whom accurate projections matter.
so let me see (before I'm censored? LOL or quarantined)Yesterday at 4:51 PM
-- doubled again ("Officials reported 223 deaths Wednesday ..." ),
so will it go to like 500 March 30 -- 1k April 3 -- 2k April 6 or what
2985 (March 30) - 2431 (March 29) = 554
7007 (April 3) - 5821 (April 2) = 1186
as for today, it's middle of the night in Hawaii now, but let's get ready
... - 9534 (April 5) = ...