Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Alot of countries will follow US bandwagon this time to force China to pay because their citizens have died.
They talk about freezing China oversea assets and wipe out countries debt owned to China.

If indeed its true, that China pouring money into biological weapon research at P4 lab at wuhan yet it didn't put any money into EUV/DUV lithography , then its asking for troubles. It got what it deserved this time around.
I don't think they can for China to pay them for their own failures. If so then why hasn't the US been repaying for the mess that was the H1N1? I do believe there will be many who will back up China in this as if not for them, the situation would've been much worse.

Lastly, I doubt there is any actual proof of a bio lab in Wuhan. There is a higher chance that the virus has been existing for a much longer time before even being in Wuhan.
just to finish, I kinda felt like Sybyl
Yesterday at 3:18 PM
Mar 26, 2020
in reaction to Mar 26, 2020

so let me see (before I'm censored? LOL or quarantined)
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2985 (March 30) - 2431 (March 29) = 554
7007 (April 3) - 5821 (April 2) = 1186
as for today, it's middle of the night in Hawaii now, but let's get ready

... - 9534 (April 5) = ...

but fortunately it was much less than 2k
10748 (April 6) - 9534 (April 5) = 1214
Yesterday at 4:51 PM
-- doubled again ("Officials reported 223 deaths Wednesday ..."
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so will it go to like 500 March 30 -- 1k April 3 -- 2k April 6 or what
No, your model is inaccurate, while the numbers will increase exponentially, the West and East coasts each have large populations of "at risk" community's. Atlanta and Chicago are also a large "at risk" populations, and there are others through out the country, but there simply is not the "population density" to fuel the numbers coming out of New York.

Europe has a very high population density as well, much like Wuhan, Italy, and Spain, there are lots of questions about why it seems to be more virulent in some communities and less so in other communities.

So lets leave some of the "sky is falling" drama to "chicken little", it serves no purpose here other than to fuel discord....

This is a virulent contagion that will fuel some very frightening numbers, but thankfully your data and your method are flawed, amateurs should leave the projections to accurate scientific models that factor in accurate data, not mass hysteria.

So lets stick to our forte's, and leave the the projections to those to whom accurate projections matter.


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I don't think they can for China to pay them for their own failures. If so then why hasn't the US been repaying for the mess that was the H1N1? I do believe there will be many who will back up China in this as if not for them, the situation would've been much worse.

Lastly, I doubt there is any actual proof of a bio lab in Wuhan. There is a higher chance that the virus has been existing for a much longer time before even being in Wuhan.
I's one thing having Pakistan, Russia(doubtful), Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe etc. on China's side and it's a different thing having the UK, Japan, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Turkey, India etc. on America's side.

This doesn't look to end well for China. You know things have seriously deteriorated when common people(who are genuinely simple minded folks) across countries put the blame squarely on China.


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I's one thing having Pakistan, Russia(doubtful), Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe etc. on China's side and it's a different thing having the UK, Japan, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Turkey, India etc. on America's side.

This doesn't look to end well for China. You know things have seriously deteriorated when common people across countries put the blame squarely on China.

Might end up worse for India long term to be honest though

Covid may shatter China 5g and BRI dreams, but may also remove any hope of India climbing the same development curve to industrialization as well.

Its a great equalizer in one sense.
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I's one thing having Pakistan, Russia(doubtful), Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe etc. on China's side and it's a different thing having the UK, Japan, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Turkey, India etc. on America's side.

This doesn't look to end well for China. You know things have seriously deteriorated when common people(who are genuinely simple minded folks) across countries put the blame squarely on China.
The majority of those have been helped by China, if they wish to permanently ruin the relationship with China then they can pay the price. I do believe there will be many more to back China up as time continues.


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Might end up worse for India long term to be honest though
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I know that. Tbh unless a vaccine is found it will be a gargantuan task to overcome this problem. My country, like many other developing nations, has inadequate resources for its large population. Some of my friends and acquaintances are doctors and they all are worried about this. Apart from the death caused by virus India also has to cope with the social problem. How exactly the government can ensure that working class people will stay in home when their kids are starving. The government can (and is to some extent) support but how long can it continue?

Now imagine all these angry people gets the news that their misery is because of China/Chinese. How do you think they will react? Generally many (most?)people in India used to appreciate how quickly China rose to its glory. However, I can see that those feelings are no longer there. That's the point you should understand.


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I know that. Tbh unless a vaccine is found it will be a gargantuan task to overcome this problem. My country, like many other developing nations, has inadequate resources for its large population. Some of my friends and acquaintances are doctors and they all are worried about this. Apart from the death caused by virus India also has to cope with the social problem. How exactly the government can ensure that working class people will stay in home when their kids are starving. The government can (and is to some extent) support but how long can it continue?

Now imagine all these angry people gets the news that their misery is because of China/Chinese. How do you think they will react? Generally many (most?)people in India used to appreciate how quickly China rose to its glory. However, I can see that those feelings are no longer there. That's the point you should understand.

Larger geopoliticial tensions arent gonna be solved by the simple things you say. So even if China's initial response to COVID back in Dec was 100% perfect that would change nothing....

US and China are geopoliticial rivals. US wants India to be its next China, after it decouples completely from China it needs Mexico and India to prop it up until AI fully takes over...

India and China are rivals, thats the high level, the details dont change it.

Covid is merely an accelerator for the structural tensions that would have sooner or later maniesfested and played itself out anyway, virus or no virus

I think you are overinflating the importance of what the common people think, end of the day its what those in power and government do and their policies that counts.

Ten years ago the US status quo held China as a strategic partner.
Five years ago the America public was told China was a strategic rival.
Now last year even before Covid, China was essentially labeled an enemy.

These structural shifts were bound to happen, Covid adds to it in intensity and haste, but it was always gonna happen when rising power challenges incumbent power
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The majority of those have been helped by China, if they wish to permanently ruin the relationship with China then they can pay the price. I do believe there will be many more to back China up as time continues.
You must understand that majority of those countries are poor developing nations and no matter what they feel they are practically helpless. Let me share you an example. A few days ago a doctor suggested that vaccines be tested on Africans to speed up the delivery. The insinuation was clear. African lives are not important. The head of who's African segment demanded an apology from this doctor. Nothing happened. The French government didn't bat an eye. Neither the media helped in this issue.
In such a situation do you really think China can expect any useful help(not moral or vocal support) from most of her allies? If you still do, then , my friend, you will be surprised.


Junior Member
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Larger geopoliticial tensions arent gonna be solved by the simple things you say. So even if China's initial response to COVID back in Dec was 100% perfect that would change nothing....

US and China are geopoliticial rivals. US wants India to be its next China, after it decouples completely from China it needs Mexico and India to prop it up until AI fully takes over...

India and China are rivals, thats the high level, the details dont change it.

Covid is merely an accelerator for the structural tensions that would have sooner or later maniesfested and played itself out anyway, virus or no virus
I don't think the US(at least the current government) wants India to be the next China. An ally against China in military spheres is a different thing though.
India and China are rivals but still they are not enemies (at least so far by now). What you seem to not understand is that many in India had a positive opinion of China which has completely been reversed. It is, I believe, true in many other countries across the world. Many erstwhile liberal and progressive people now say that because of the Chinese eating bats we are going through this. This change of mindset is detrimental to China's image. No matter how you try to put it, China's image has been shattered and if she really manages to get back to where she was in last year it will be a massive achievement.


Countries are piling to ask for compensation for Virus Pandemic damage from China's action. US asking $2 Trillion, UK asking $600Billion, India asking too... A lot of countries would also step forward.

How should China handle this??? LOL
I think there is some confusion here. No country is asking China to pay for anything; it is small extremist groups or individuals in these countries that are making frivolous lawsuits out of hatred and desperation that not only stand no chance in international court but won't even be accepted for hearing by any reputable judge.

In terms of official national stances, the 6 non-US nations of the G7 vetoed the entire joint statement over America's attempt to call it a Wuhan virus and then doubled down on that when the 14 non-US nations on the UN security council all voted against putting any blame on China.

China can handle this like any country handles nonsense: ignore it.