Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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So Bloomberg declares the CanSino vaccine less effective than Western and Russian 'rivals' after comparing it to every Western/Russian vaccine on the market except Johnson & Johnson, even though both CanSino and J&J are one-shot adenovirus vector vaccines therefore the most comparable. Could it have something to do with the fact that J&J also has the same 66% efficacy rate as Cansino which makes China bashing inconvenient therefore must be forgotten?
Well what I've read is none of the US vaccines still haven't been peer-reviewed. All their data is what has been released by their respective companies. So any data being analyzed is data that those companies have chosen to release to the public. So everything you're hearing is what the biased Western media wants to believe. They're simply going by the prejudice you can trust the West while you can't with China when their vaccines are in the same boat. I remember early on they said a vaccine of 50% efficacy was considered successful meaning it was enough to counter a pandemic. They can be lying of efficacy anywhere between. Their nit-picking on numbers is hypocritically what they accuse of going on of vaccine nationalism. Now they're saying China is lagging behind in vaccine compared to the West. What the hell does that mean? Number of people who've been inoculated? How do they know? They were accusing China of injecting the vaccine into people before it was approved by authorities in China. Also China has handle the pandemic well without a vaccine so the rush to vaccinate isn't as dire. Then they say vaccines could only last six months. Well if you're going to suffer from distribution problems of half a year before the average person gets a shot, all that could be for nothing.
Sad there's no way for China to sue Western media for libel/defamation. Maybe that's why democracies are cracking.


Well what I've read is none of the US vaccines still haven't been peer-reviewed. All their data is what has been released by their respective companies. So any data being analyzed is data that those companies have chosen to release to the public. So everything you're hearing is what the biased Western media wants to believe. They're simply going by the prejudice you can trust the West while you can't with China when their vaccines are in the same boat. I remember early on they said a vaccine of 50% efficacy was considered successful meaning it was enough to counter a pandemic. They can be lying of efficacy anywhere between. Their nit-picking on numbers is hypocritically what they accuse of going on of vaccine nationalism. Now they're saying China is lagging behind in vaccine compared to the West. What the hell does that mean? Number of people who've been inoculated? How do they know? They were accusing China of injecting the vaccine into people before it was approved by authorities in China. Also China has handle the pandemic well without a vaccine so the rush to vaccinate isn't as dire. Then they say vaccines could only last six months. Well if you're going to suffer from distribution problems of half a year before the average person gets a shot, all that could be for nothing.
Both Pfizer and Moderna data have been peer reviewed and published in NEJM. I’ve posted the published articles numerous times before.

Israel’s analysis using real world data they gathered from the general public is also consistent with the published data.


Lieutenant General
Both Pfizer and Moderna data have been peer reviewed and published in NEJM. I’ve posted the published articles numerous times before.

Israel’s analysis using real world data they gathered from the general public is also consistent with the published data.

For the longest time I read that Sinovac was the only one that was being peer reviewed and published in the Lancet. Now they say none of the Chinese vaccines have been peer reviewed.


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For the longest time I read that Sinovac was the only one that was being peer reviewed and published in the Lancet. Now they say none of the Chinese vaccines have been peer reviewed.
All the vaccines have papers published on different phases of their development. You often have to look for their codenames.

CoronaVac, previously known as PiCoVacc, is a SARS-CoV-2 purified, inactivated, and adsorbed vaccine candidate developed by SinoVac Biotech Corporation
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. It was developed by propagating the SARS-CoV-2 CN2 strain inside Vero Cells and inactivating it with B-propiolactone
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. In preclinical trials, PiCoVacc induced SARS-CoV-2-specific neutralizing antibodies in rats, mice, and the rhesus macaque. The antibodies were found to neutralize 10 representative SARS-CoV-2 strains. As of August 2020, the vaccine is being tested in numerous human clinical trials assessing its safety and immunogenicity.

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One of Sinopharms early papers was in June (they did it on macaque monkeys):
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Sinovac's Science paper (also macaques) :
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Lieutenant General
All the vaccines have papers published on different phases of their development. You often have to look for their codenames.

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One of Sinopharms early papers was in June:
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I'm no expert so I'm only going by what "experts" say. I read early on that Sinovac was the only one that was being peer reviewed. It was from the US media. Sanjay Gupta of CNN who doesn't seem to be political in his reporting was the most recent person maybe less than a month ago who said to viewers like he was reminding people that the data coming out is still from the companies producing these vaccines so there's room for skepticism if the data is accurate. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx were early seen as being trustworthy but then you can see later political pressure being applied where they had to find a middle of road answer for questions they were being asked. Like I said, I'm no expert but I can see pressure and influence being applied to say certain things meaning there's some measure of manipulation of the facts going on.


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I'm no expert so I'm only going by what "experts" say. I read early on that Sinovac was the only one that was being peer reviewed. It was from the US media. Sanjay Gupta of CNN who doesn't seem to be political in his reporting was the most recent person maybe less than a month ago who said to viewers like he was reminding people that the data coming out is still from the companies producing these vaccines so there's room for skepticism if the data is accurate. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx were early seen as being trustworthy but then you can see later political pressure being applied where they had to find a middle of road answer for questions they were being asked. Like I said, I'm no expert but I can see pressure and influence being applied to say certain things meaning there's some measure of manipulation of the facts going on.

Yeh I don't really know the timeline that well.

It isn't surprising for China to come out with animal or phase1/2 results before others due to discovering the virus first.


Lieutenant General
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It's as easy as just replacing the US or the West with China... Just like first during the Haiti Earthquake there was an accusation by Haitians that Western rescue teams were only there looking for their citizens and then all of the the Western media accused that of China. Then there was the #MeToo movement in the US then all of the sudden the China had a problem where the BBC is still talking about it in China recently in an article...


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So, it's looking like the Chinese vaccination strategy will pay off big-time.

I think it's clear that currently, the PRC is choosing to prioritize vaccine export over internal use in a time of extreme demand. They've exported close to half a billion doses while only using 50 million doses domestically.

Why? Well certainly, I think the Chinese are reaping considerable economic and political benefit. Case in point, Brazil's Bolsonaro, who's stopped his anti-China spree and conversely, even publicly thanked China on Twitter for vaccine help.

However, in return, are the Chinese losing valuable vaccination time domestically? No, I'm increasingly inclined to think not.

First, winter's ending and the weather's heating up, I don't see any reason for a vaccination rush. Chinese preventative measures have controlled COVID extremely well during the warmer months. The government just needs to do a vaccination push by the end of year.

Two, more importantly, we're seeing COVID mutations proliferate. Given the ineffective COVID prevention measures elsewhere in the world, I think it's a given that dangerous COVID mutations that evade current vaccines, like the South African variant, will come to dominate.

We'll all need booster shots. The Chinese might as well wait, evaluate, and vaccinate with updated vaccines next winter, while at the same time benefiting from vaccine exports now.

Very impressed with Chinese governance in recent years, and this COVID response is no different.