Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Two points below:
1. I read that Canada has secure vaccines five times of its population, why care to get vaccines from India?
2. When China, US, Europe and Russia were racing for vaccines, we never heard India has done anything, how come India suddenly join the club to supply vaccines to many nations around the world. Did I miss something here?
Couple points

1. This news source is Indian, so basically mostly falsehoods or misrepresentations. For example, it is saying Pakistan joined COVAX to obtain the Indian Covishield vaccine which we know as false.

2. Opposition politicians will bring up irrelevant points to try to discredit the party in power. From what some of my Indian friends have told me, the ruling Liberal party is seen as a Sikh/Punjabi party (the defense minister of Canada is Punjabi Sikh). This is probably a ploy by the opposition right wing Conservative party to play to the Indian Canadians who also support Modi back in India (probably overlapping support base). As mentioned, India is not really in a position to supply anything to Canada anyway.


Coronavirus cases flatline as soon as the WHO changed guidelines on testing.


This is what actually happened in Jan 20, 2021...

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In short, the WHO found that many people are misusing their PCR tests, which has led to both false-negative and false-positive results. So on Jan 20, they issued a recommendation that everyone should carefully follow manufacturers' instructions on how to perform the tests. That's all they had said. No guideline changed!


The huge decline is not a coincidence. Jan 08 is about two weeks after Xmas. The new cases peaked after all the family gatherings. Then it started to drop after that. We are now at the pre-holiday level. Look at the new cases before the end of November. The same happened everywhere in the country, including all the Trump states. These GOP states did not have to follow the WHO guidelines. They could simply continue to do their things. The WHO has no political power to force Alabama or Luisiana to change their testing protocols. And I am 120% sure that these GOP states have no motivation whatsoever to make Biden look good. Yet, all the red states follow a similar trend. Their new cases peaked around Jan 07-08 and started to drop dramatically after that. Just Google "COVID-19" and you will see all the curves, world, the US, individual states, etc. Look at those curves and see where the decline started. Again, they are about two weeks before Biden took office and before the WHO issued the recommendations. None of the trends changed their trajectories after Jan 20. It's the same continuation. These conspiracy theories are so boring...
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Yes, vaccines are not perfect and have their own issues, but they are still our best solution. There are many other potential solutions, such as anti-viral drugs. They face the same mutation issue. The drugs also won't work if their target bug change to something unrecognizable. That's why it's so difficult to develop a flu drug.

What about herd immunity that everyone talks about so eagerly? Well, it works on paper. In reality we can never reach 60-70% infected population needed for herd immunity. Switzerland has tried it and their infected population got up to 40% and plateaued... That caused a lot of deaths, but no herd immunity. They had to end it. Let's just assume 60-70% infected population is realistically possible. In any major countries, your healthcare system has collapsed long long time before you ever get close to that many people infected. In Houston, where the largest medical center in the world is located (we have >170,000 medical staff on the main campus of the medical center alone, think of another city that has this kind of beefed up medical system......), we are having an estimated 16% of the total population infected. Hospitals in Houston are overwhelmed, with all the key resources already depleted. Just imagine what will happen if the infected population doubles to 32%... We will be looking at a total collapse. You have an accident and need a stitch at your local ER? Why don't you wait another 20 hours? You will bleed to death in that time... You have a heart attack? Don't even bother calling 911. Might as well wait and die in your own home since you will most likely die in an ambulance outside of an ER among a sea of ambulances outside of any hospitals. This is what happens in Houston. If you live in another city with a typical medical system, your healthcare system will collapse long before that. Huge amount of non-COVID people will die long before you have a chance to ever approach herd immunity. Compare this to a vaccine? I would say the vaccines kill far less people.


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Thus is what happens when you very own dear leader, Morrison decided to target China for political favours in the 5 eyes. Let's hope OZ move pass this, their most xenophobic period (that is saying something) of their young country.


Chinese-Australians hunt white men who hit Asian delivery rider

The incident in Adelaide’s Chinatown is among a growing trend of racist attacks against Asian-Australians. Feeling unsupported by the government, many Asian-Australians are taking matters into their own hands

Chinese-Australians have banded together to help police hunt down two white men who hit an Asian delivery rider in Adelaide’s Chinatown on Saturday, as vigilantism among the Asian-Australian community grows in the face of rising
racist attacks

A video of the attack, published on social media and by various Asian media groups such as Jackfroot, shows the two white men – one carrying a dog – approach an Asian food delivery rider on a stationary electric bike.

One of the men walks past the rider before hitting him in the face. It is understood a police report has been lodged, but the victim has declined to speak to the media.

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In Canada for example there were incidents of Punjabi getting harassed by Italians. Punjabi community send to some young men to kill the perpetrators. Now they dont get harassed like they used to.

Vigilantism is generally looked down upon but when there lacks law and order these kind of acts becomes more common. People don't like to admit it because it seems uncivil but hard power used to "kill the chicken to scare the monkey" works in reality. Although it can backfire if overused.
I have to take back my statement that continental Europeans are even more racist than Anglos. I originally thought only the Bible Belt in USA was truly bad. Guess Anglos are still the worst, after all.

Time for some Rooftop Korean action. Why would you guys live in Western countries, anyway? Even in so-called 'liberal' bubbles, or so-called more tolerable countries like Canada, Aussie or New Zealand. I don't understand.


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They still haven't announced the combined worldwide efficacy of their vaccine. I was hoping that it would be announced by the time it finally gets approved for general use in china, similar to how sinopharm did it, to put an end to the multiple numbers we currently have. But alas, it doesn't happen. Quite disappointed to be honest.