Couple pointsTwo points below:
1. I read that Canada has secure vaccines five times of its population, why care to get vaccines from India?
2. When China, US, Europe and Russia were racing for vaccines, we never heard India has done anything, how come India suddenly join the club to supply vaccines to many nations around the world. Did I miss something here?
1. This news source is Indian, so basically mostly falsehoods or misrepresentations. For example, it is saying Pakistan joined COVAX to obtain the Indian Covishield vaccine which we know as false.
2. Opposition politicians will bring up irrelevant points to try to discredit the party in power. From what some of my Indian friends have told me, the ruling Liberal party is seen as a Sikh/Punjabi party (the defense minister of Canada is Punjabi Sikh). This is probably a ploy by the opposition right wing Conservative party to play to the Indian Canadians who also support Modi back in India (probably overlapping support base). As mentioned, India is not really in a position to supply anything to Canada anyway.