Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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This one touches a few topics but since it’s mainly about vaccines, I thought I would put it here... seem Canada don’t want to ask Modi for vaccines after the whole supporting farmer protest thing...
Two points below:
1. I read that Canada has secure vaccines five times of its population, why care to get vaccines from India?
2. When China, US, Europe and Russia were racing for vaccines, we never heard India has done anything, how come India suddenly join the club to supply vaccines to many nations around the world. Did I miss something here?


Two points below:
1. I read that Canada has secure vaccines five times of its population, why care to get vaccines from India?
2. When China, US, Europe and Russia were racing for vaccines, we never heard India has done anything, how come India suddenly join the club to supply vaccines to many nations around the world. Did I miss something here?
Canada isn't prioritized due to the fact that it didn't sign any exclusive deals with any of the major vaccines companies. Both the US and UK have outperformed Canada so Trudeau is under pressured to speed up the procurement.

It isn't Indian vaccines but Astrazeneca vaccines that licensed to India. There supposed to be restriction to sell these vaccines to any developed countries. India can only offers these vaccines to low income nations.


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