Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Earlier here, some people wondered why the WHO hasn't approved any Chinese or Russian vaccines yet.

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The problem currently is that the World Health Organization’s rules for certifying vaccines are themselves skewed in favor of rich, essentially Western, states.

The W.H.O. maintains a list of “stringent regulatory authorities” it trusts for quality control — all are European countries except for Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States. For the rest of the world, the W.H.O. runs a service called prequalification. In theory, this is a way by which vaccines from, say, China or Russia could be placed on an equal footing with vaccines from the West. In reality, it’s an onerous and time-consuming process.

When a vaccine is developed in and approved by a country on the W.H.O.’s trusted list, the organization usually relies on that assessment to quickly sign off. But when a vaccine maker anywhere else applies for prequalification, the W.H.O. conducts a full evaluation from scratch, including a physical inspection of the manufacturing facilities.

The W.H.O. approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at the end of 2020 less than two months after the makers applied for consideration, and it is expected to decide on the Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines this month. The Chinese and Russian vaccines are still waiting in line, even though the review processes for those were initiated earlier.

Yes, it's the New York Times, but even frequent liars sometimes tell the truth.


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Thus is what happens when you very own dear leader, Morrison decided to target China for political favours in the 5 eyes. Let's hope OZ move pass this, their most xenophobic period (that is saying something) of their young country.


Chinese-Australians hunt white men who hit Asian delivery rider

The incident in Adelaide’s Chinatown is among a growing trend of racist attacks against Asian-Australians. Feeling unsupported by the government, many Asian-Australians are taking matters into their own hands

Chinese-Australians have banded together to help police hunt down two white men who hit an Asian delivery rider in Adelaide’s Chinatown on Saturday, as vigilantism among the Asian-Australian community grows in the face of rising
racist attacks

A video of the attack, published on social media and by various Asian media groups such as Jackfroot, shows the two white men – one carrying a dog – approach an Asian food delivery rider on a stationary electric bike.

One of the men walks past the rider before hitting him in the face. It is understood a police report has been lodged, but the victim has declined to speak to the media.

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Junior Member
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Thus is what happens when you very own dear leader, Morrison decided to target China for political favours in the 5 eyes. Let's hope OZ move pass this, their most xenophobic period (that is saying something) of their young country.


Chinese-Australians hunt white men who hit Asian delivery rider

The incident in Adelaide’s Chinatown is among a growing trend of racist attacks against Asian-Australians. Feeling unsupported by the government, many Asian-Australians are taking matters into their own hands

Chinese-Australians have banded together to help police hunt down two white men who hit an Asian delivery rider in Adelaide’s Chinatown on Saturday, as vigilantism among the Asian-Australian community grows in the face of rising
racist attacks

A video of the attack, published on social media and by various Asian media groups such as Jackfroot, shows the two white men – one carrying a dog – approach an Asian food delivery rider on a stationary electric bike.

One of the men walks past the rider before hitting him in the face. It is understood a police report has been lodged, but the victim has declined to speak to the media.

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In Canada for example there were incidents of Punjabi getting harassed by Italians. Punjabi community send to some young men to kill the perpetrators. Now they dont get harassed like they used to.

Vigilantism is generally looked down upon but when there lacks law and order these kind of acts becomes more common. People don't like to admit it because it seems uncivil but hard power used to "kill the chicken to scare the monkey" works in reality. Although it can backfire if overused.


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The mutations already beginning to have significant effect

Devastating blow. Looks like the Oxford vaccine pushed by the English/Indians shows little efficacy against the South African variant.

Small sample sizes but ~10% efficacy? What a disaster. Oxford/AstraZeneca currently comprises the bulk of the vaccine rollout in UK and India, I believe.