Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Ok. So a vacine doesnt have to be approved by the WHO to be part of COVAX.

Thats right. Its "should". Doesnt necessarily mean that they will.

And i have checked Kyli's post. He just makes assumptions about the chinese vacines.

And no one here has yet answered what will happen if the WHO doesnt approve the chinese vacines.
Well, obviously, the WHO won't distribute them. However, any other answer to your question are assumptions since we will have to guess how governments and people will react to those rejections. You accuse Kyli of making assumptions, yet you want people to make assumptions on what would happen if the WHO rejects all of the Chinese vaccines. That's a bit hypocritical no?


And no one here has yet answered what will happen if the WHO doesnt approve the chinese vacines.
IF the WHO doesn't approve the Chinese vaccine (I highly doubt that myself), it won't affect anything. Many countries have agreed to import Chinese vaccines even before the WHO's decision.

Also, almost all the clinical data on the Chinese vaccines have been obtained by third countries, many of them not friendly to China at all like India and Brazil. In particular, these countries did their own vaccine administering, data collection and analysis, independent of Chinese influence. I can't find another more objective clinical trial than this. Their data so far look very good. Not as flashy as Pfizer and Moderna, but still very satisfactory. I don't see why the WHO will disapprove it...


Wow. This is something very serious, and yet you don't see western MSM reporting this.

The rest of the article in the link
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Scientists also cited examples of recent deaths among elderly people in Norway in mid-January after having inoculated vaccines against COVID-19.

Later, in order to address fears regarding having the vaccine administered, The Norwegian Medicines Agency said there was no evidence of a direct link between the recent string of deaths and the vaccinations.

Yet within one month, media reported on Monday that all 78 residents at a nursing home in Madrid, Spain had tested positive for COVID-19 after being given their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on January 13, and at least seven people have died.

Yang Zhanqiu, a deputy director of the pathogen biology department at Wuhan University, believes that unlike the mRNA vaccines used in European countries, China's inactivated vaccine is the safest for elderly people, given its mature technology in its applications on vaccines and little recorded adverse effects.

There is little chance of having extreme occurrences such as death with the use of inactivated coronavirus vaccines, according to Yang.

Unlike other studies of the vaccine, Brazil's Sinovac trial included elderly volunteers.

Dimas Covas, director of Brazilian biomedical center Butantan, Sinovac's research and production partner, said in January that the Sinovac vaccine had entirely prevented severe COVID-19 cases among vaccinated groups, including in the elderly group. None of those who received the vaccine became ill enough to require hospitalization, he said.


Israel's data on effects of one or two shots of the Pfizer vaccine:

One shot:
They compared people within 12 days of their first shot vs. those after 13-24 days of their first shot. They found a 51 percent reduction in the incidence of lab-confirmed infections in the latter period. So the first shot is also effective, although not complete, after two weeks.

Two shots:
They looked at 248,000 people one week after their second shot. Only 66 mild cases were found. This is a good sign, although still preliminary. The vaccine is supposed to work to its fullest two weeks after the second shot. But the data looks good so far.

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Both Sinopharm and Sinovac meet the criteria that WHO set for approval.
How do you know that? If so, why hasnt the WHO already approved them?

However, any other answer to your question are assumptions since we will have to guess how governments and people will react to those rejections.
Fair enough. No one knows the answer. We can only make assumptions.

IF the WHO doesn't approve the Chinese vaccine (I highly doubt that myself), it won't affect anything.
Since we are into assumptions in this, i will have make one. If the WHO doesnt approved, and china is a member of the WHO, it will be hard for the chinese government (and i guess other governments) to ask its citizens to take shots of them. There would be pressure to just buy from foreign suppliers.

Lets see what the WHO decides about them.


How do you know that? If so, why hasnt the WHO already approved them?

Fair enough. No one knows the answer. We can only make assumptions.

Since we are into assumptions in this, i will have make one. If the WHO doesnt approved, and china is a member of the WHO, it will be hard for the chinese government (and i guess other governments) to ask its citizens to take shots of them. There would be pressure to just buy from foreign suppliers.

Lets see what the WHO decides about them.
Well, since it's assumption time, I will make an assumption too. The WHO decides to kick China out of WHO. And the UN kicks China out too. And Asia decides to reject the concept that China is an Asian country. OMG! What will China do? Will the Chinese people overthrow the CCP and start a revolution?

None of us knows the future and should make assumptions based on "what ifs". What we do know is to look at the clinical data collected and analyzed by professionals from a number of non-China countries. I would like to stress that many of those countries have anti-China governments. And it's their government agencies that are collecting and analyzing the clinical data. And their data look good. I don't see how anyone has any ground to reject this kind of data, unless it is purely politically motivated.


Ok. So a vacine doesnt have to be approved by the WHO to be part of COVAX.

Thats right. Its "should". Doesnt necessarily mean that they will.

And i have checked Kyli's post. He just makes assumptions about the chinese vacines.

And no one here has yet answered what will happen if the WHO doesnt approve the chinese vacines.

Looks like you're just trying to troll us around here.

I said "should" because I think there's a very high chance Chinese COVID vaccines will get approval from WHO.
You seem to think that there's zero chance Chinese vaccines will be approved by WHO. (In spite of WHO has been using Chinese vaccines for ages in its worldwide programs.)
Time will tell. (As Jeff would like to say.)
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How do you know that? If so, why hasnt the WHO already approved them?

Fair enough. No one knows the answer. We can only make assumptions.

Since we are into assumptions in this, i will have make one. If the WHO doesnt approved, and china is a member of the WHO, it will be hard for the chinese government (and i guess other governments) to ask its citizens to take shots of them. There would be pressure to just buy from foreign suppliers.

Lets see what the WHO decides about them.
Both Sinovac and Sinopharm have released their interim results. Only Pfizer vaccine has gotten approval from WHO. It is called evaluation process. As for your assumption, many Western media has done polls to show that majority of mainland Chinese have no problem taking Chinese vaccines. So your assumption is pure wishful thinking.



Registered Member
How do you know that? If so, why hasnt the WHO already approved them?
Why do you keep on asking "WHO approval" when you have been told that WHO does not approve anything?
  1. Tell us what vaccine has been "approved" by WHO so far? Not word "approval" from a news paper, but from official channel of WHO.
  2. Tell us how would WHO approve vaccine (or any drug) when it is NOT a regulatory body itself?
  3. Are you picking the Chinese vaccines for "WHO approval" while ignoring western vaccines for "WHO approval"?
Please read this official web page of GAVI
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before repeating yourself. Search for "approval" and tell us where is WHO in it?

I repeat it again as other poster has said before,
  1. COVAX is a TRADING and DISTRIBUTION scheme, NOT a regulatory authority like CDC or EMA.
  2. WHO is ONLY a part of COVAX, and NOBODY granted "regulatory authority" to WHO, nor did WHO claimed to be so.
In analog, in aviation, FAA approves an aircraft type like Boeing 737, but it is totally up to every individual country to let it fly over its airspace. In case of vaccine, US CDC approves mRNA vaccine, but it is up to the receiving country's regulatory authority to accept it and buy it either from market or through COVAX scheme. WHO is just like the IATA, a coordination body not an approving body.


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IF the WHO doesn't approve the Chinese vaccine (I highly doubt that myself), it won't affect anything. Many countries have agreed to import Chinese vaccines even before the WHO's decision.

Also, almost all the clinical data on the Chinese vaccines have been obtained by third countries, many of them not friendly to China at all like India and Brazil. In particular, these countries did their own vaccine administering, data collection and analysis, independent of Chinese influence. I can't find another more objective clinical trial than this. Their data so far look very good. Not as flashy as Pfizer and Moderna, but still very satisfactory. I don't see why the WHO will disapprove it...
Has Pfizer and Moderna released their full phase 3 trial data?