Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Senior Member
Both Sinopharm and Sinovac wouldn't bother to submit for approval unless getting approval is extremely likely.

WHO has a long experience working with China manufacturing and providing vaccines to WHO in their vaccination program in countries around the world.
That doesnt mean anything in terms of the chinese vacines being approved or not.


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Malaysia has signed two deals with Pfizer to secure 25 million doses of the vaccine, besides agreements to buy 18.4 million doses of other vaccines produced by Russia’s Gamaleya Research Institute and China’s Sinovac Biotech Ltd.

The Southeast Asian nation had also secured two separate vaccine shipments from AstraZeneca PLC>, including one arranged under the COVAX facility.

Looks like Malaysia is going to go for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines first. Trust me, this isn't about merit. In Malaysian "cash-is-king" politics, its never about merits. But beggars cannot be choosers. mRNA vaccines have not been proven beyond doubt to be dangerous. Pfizer's lack of transparency certainly did not help the vaccine's reputation. But I feel that a significant portion of the Malaysian population is gonna be afraid, seeing that fears of the Pfizer vaccine is rampant on social media here.


Registered Member

That doesnt mean anything in terms of the chinese vacines being approved or not.
From what I've read, you can search for yourself because I didn't save the links...

COVAX is not a depository or something like that. It's essentially a trading scheme administered by the WHO.

It's up to the individual countries to approve each vaccine. If they are part of COVAX, they can approve the Chinese vaccine and purchase it from the Chinese company that put up the COVAX inventory.



That doesnt mean anything in terms of the chinese vacines being approved or not.

It does mean something. It shows that with those experiences China should have no problem manufacturing good vaccines. Sinovac vaccine is very effective in preventing serious disease. Check Kyli's post.
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Have any of your associates/friends had the Pfizer vaccine and if so how do their side effects compare?
Most of my co-workers got Moderna. I have friends and colleagues at other hospitals who got Pfizer. They seem to go through similar things. Chills, fever, body ache, fatigue, etc. The degree of these side effects seems to vary from person to person. Some of them don't feel anything. And we have agreed that these people all had placebo shots :p:p:p

Also, when you guys get your shots and start feeling bad, I would suggest that you do NOT take any medicine to relieve the symptoms (unless it gets really serious. You obviously do not want your immune system to go too far). This is only my own suggestion. I haven't seen anything from actual physicians yet. However, you are feeling those symptoms because your body's immune system is responding to the vaccine. All these symptoms are normal immune responses. You want your immune system to go through its normal course so that the proper immune cells can be properly generated and stored for future use (namely when an actual virus attacks). Taking some anti-inflammatory medication, such as Tylenol, Advil, etc, might interrupt this process or even shut it down. This is not what you want. This is again my own suggestion.
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Senior Member
It's up to the individual countries to approve each vaccine. If they are part of COVAX, they can approve the Chinese vaccine and purchase it from the Chinese company that put up the COVAX inventory.
Ok. So a vacine doesnt have to be approved by the WHO to be part of COVAX.

It shows that with those experiences China should have no problem manufacturing good vaccines. Sinovac vaccine is very effective in preventing serious disease. Check Kyli's post.
Thats right. Its "should". Doesnt necessarily mean that they will.

And i have checked Kyli's post. He just makes assumptions about the chinese vacines.

And no one here has yet answered what will happen if the WHO doesnt approve the chinese vacines.


Ok. So a vacine doesnt have to be approved by the WHO to be part of COVAX.

Thats right. Its "should". Doesnt necessarily mean that they will.

And i have checked Kyli's post. He just makes assumptions about the chinese vacines.

And no one here has yet answered what will happen if the WHO doesnt approve the chinese vacines.
Both Sinopharm and Sinovac meet the criteria that WHO set for approval. So your "What if" question is a big if. China has multiple vaccines and the chance of none of them would get approved by WHO is just pure absurd.

If WHO wanted to go full retarded, then it is its choice. China has nothing to lose and 10 millions doses to sell to other countries. Not sure why you are concerned with irrelevant scenario.