COVID is nothing but MSM sensation. It doesn't affect young people. I've been to gym all year in 2019 and the first three months of 2020. I never caught anything. Seeing is believing. I never seen COVID. So I don't believe it. Believe it if you want. If you are gullible enough. Might as well believe in Santa Claus and fairies and what not while you are at it.
I work at a hospital. I see COVID, like everyday. I see body bags piling up in freezer trucks. I see a mile-long wait line of ambulances outside of an ER because of so many COVID patients. I see people die of heart attacks and other normal injuries in their ambulances because they can’t get treated in time because so many COVID patients are in there. I’ve seen many epidemics like the 2009 swine flu, etc. it’s never been this bad.
I am watching Our healthcare system being overwhelmed in front of my own eyes. it’s the resources being depleted. Hospitals are running out of staff, ventilators and even needles. This is why those non-COVID patients get impacted as well. If you have a stomach ulcer and are suffering an internal bleeding, you rush to an ER and find out that there is a 17 hour wait time. There is a huge chance you may bleed to death in your ambulance. So it’s not only the COVID patients who get impacted.
I’ve also got colleagues who got it from taking care of COVID patients. And some of them sadly didn’t make it through. Some of them were still in their prime. I sometimes get so angry when people don’t care. These are actual human lives and families shattered. If people can be a little more careful, none of this would have happened.
You may be one of those lucky ones who are fine even when infected. But the next person you pass the virus on may not be so lucky. And the doctors and nurses who take care of them may not be so lucky. It may not be your life, but it may be the lives of your loved ones and/or someone you don’t even know about. Wearing a mask vs. a human life. I thought it would be an easy decision to make. Even IF I don’t believe it, I would not dare to risk it. I would do anything if there is even a remote chance that I may save someone’s life.