Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


24 hours post second Moderna shot. In addition to the usual sore arm, I started to experience body chill last night. I was shivering even with 3 layers of thick comforters on me. Body chill subsided in early morning ~2 am. Having a headache and body ache now (probably from all the shivering last night). Sore arm and legs. Feeling fatigued in general.


Registered Member
People are still talking about bats even now, when pretty much the actual scientific community has moved on from that a long time ago.

Yep. Bats again.


Canada sorry for bat-like Wu-Tang symbol on diplomat’s Wuhan T-shirt

China lodged a complaint after images of the garment circulated online, showing the word ‘Wuhan’ on top of the group’s stylised ‘W’


Tue 2 Feb 2021 01.47 EST

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24 hours post second Moderna shot. In addition to the usual sore arm, I started to experience body chill last night. I was shivering even with 3 layers of thick comforters on me. Body chill subsided in early morning ~2 am. Having a headache and body ache now (probably from all the shivering last night). Sore arm and legs. Feeling fatigued in general.

Wow...such a strong reaction. I wonder if it's really safe for older people, not to mention those with a medical condition?


Junior Member
Registered Member
The sad thing is that the damage has been done.
The unreliability of the news has had a devastating effect on public health.

1. No one trusts the vaccine(s)
2. People not wearing masks,
3. People purposefully flouting public health laws thinking they are making some kind of political statement. They think they are giving the middle finger to either Democrats, "liberals", China, communists, whatever.

The same (mis)information is constantly being repeated because it's already been in heavy circulation. People are still talking about bats even now, when pretty much the actual scientific community has moved on from that a long time ago.
However, the average person is not reading some scientific journal, but the Daily Mail or whatever.

Remember all those US stories about dodgy KN95's not being suitable for health workers? Now it is the recommended mask for the NBA (along with Korean KF94) and NFL. I posted about this before, but most exported KN95 were for "civilian use", never for doctors/hospitals. Just like in North America, the maximum protection health grade masks use the behind the head elastics, not earloops, to create the tighter fit needed for risky environments. This can be seen in photos from China, I didn't need to launch a special investigative report to learn it. The reason why earloops are used for the "civilian" masks is simple, they are easy to put on and put on relatively properly. Anecdotally, at the beginning of the pandemic (~Feb.) I was at a Chinese supermarket and a lady there had a medical-grade 3M N95 on sideways. Totally useless and a waste.

It is really disappointing to see the news today become more and more like Indian news. You obviously can't totally eliminate biases, but this has been absolutely brutal. Not totally surprising since Matthew Pottinger (former WSJ Journalist and then-Trump sycophant) was actively trying to seed narratives to form an anti-China consensus. The lab leak theory was created by him and Pompeo, with the "lab leak dossier". A few days later there was a release by the US' own Office of the Director of National Intelligence that basically refuted this idea, but it doesn't matter now, it's too late.

Anyway, ranting aside...

With the emergence of numerous outbreaks around China, can we make a hypothesis that the behavior of the virus is very similar to Cold and Flu where it seems to be more active in the winter? It might spread quietly in the summer months?
It’s fine... there is a reason why evolution, natural selection and survival of the fittest have actual meaning... for humans this would be measured more in intellect and reasoning then it is in physical strength and fitness... If people are so easily swayed because they either don’t want to or don’t bother to learn or simply to be a bit more informed and to actually think and consider the logic behind information, then that just means they are not fit to survive in the world today... the only important thing we must do is to ensure as much of the rational minded can survive any possible disasters and that is enough... as for those who are not willing or to go as far as to consider a disease as some form of political suppression, it is their choice and they will have face the consequences of their own actions, just like those people who at the beginning were vehemently advocating that COVID-19 was a hoax but ended up getting hurt or getting someone dear to them hurt... they won’t learn until somebody gets hurt and there is nothing we can do... it’s sad but unfortunately true...
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Wow...such a strong reaction. I wonder if it's really safe for older people, not to mention those with a medical condition?
Actually it turns out most of the older colleagues of mine haven't gotten anything close as bad. Most of them simply have a sore arm. It's the younger people who are reacting violently. Our theory is that the immune system of younger people is more robust, thus able to mount more heightened immune responses to the vaccines.

It also might be a case-by-case thing. Just talked with a colleague of mine. He is my age and had his second shot yesterday. He's not feeling anything... Although I'm confident that the vaccine is 100% working fine in his body, I will keep telling him that he got a placebo shot, just to mess with him. He should be punished for his lack of response ;)


Registered Member
Yep. Bats again.


Canada sorry for bat-like Wu-Tang symbol on diplomat’s Wuhan T-shirt

China lodged a complaint after images of the garment circulated online, showing the word ‘Wuhan’ on top of the group’s stylised ‘W’


Tue 2 Feb 2021 01.47 EST

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Lol, Wu-Tang Clan is probably more respective of Chinese culture than Canadian diplomats.

Something interesting I found while reading the news
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The autonomous ethnic government of the Shan state in Burma has established it's own testing regime in cooperation with China. This is a "rebel" government, but look how serious they take it! Next thing we know, all of the state will be vaccinated before some places!

As a note, these are not regular irregulars.
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They have strong ties to China, as the article very succintly puts it "(weapons) ...of Chinese origin and not the type of kit that would accidentally fall from the back of a truck." Very true, since they have things like Type-03 rifle which was never widely deployed in PLA or exported elsewhere.


No that's not completely true, vector does matter unfortunately and resistance to the host virus also diminishes the effectiveness of recombinant vector virus vaccine based on the host virus.

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I saw a paper last year where someone was working on this problem. They suggested an additional modification to Ad5's RNA to make it different enough from wild type to make prior resistance irrelevant. They were calling it a 2nd generation recombinant vector virus vaccine.

Resistance to host virus could also work in your favour - influenza based recombinant vector virus vaccine would actually give you resistance to both the host influenza virus as well as the target virus. China was working on a influenza based recombinant vector virus vaccine for COVID-19, this vaccine could be applied via jet injector and if successful would allow much easier mass vaccination as well as the bonus effect of an additional influenza serotype resistance. Unfortunately I haven't heard much update on this front so it may not have worked out.

I suspect recombinant vector virus-based vaccine works better in tropical countries since influenza season in these countries is essentially nonexistent.


Registered Member
The sad thing is that the damage has been done.
The unreliability of the news has had a devastating effect on public health.

1. No one trusts the vaccine(s)
2. People not wearing masks,
3. People purposefully flouting public health laws thinking they are making some kind of political statement. They think they are giving the middle finger to either Democrats, "liberals", China, communists, whatever.

The same (mis)information is constantly being repeated because it's already been in heavy circulation. People are still talking about bats even now, when pretty much the actual scientific community has moved on from that a long time ago.
However, the average person is not reading some scientific journal, but the Daily Mail or whatever.

Remember all those US stories about dodgy KN95's not being suitable for health workers? Now it is the recommended mask for the NBA (along with Korean KF94) and NFL. I posted about this before, but most exported KN95 were for "civilian use", never for doctors/hospitals. Just like in North America, the maximum protection health grade masks use the behind the head elastics, not earloops, to create the tighter fit needed for risky environments. This can be seen in photos from China, I didn't need to launch a special investigative report to learn it. The reason why earloops are used for the "civilian" masks is simple, they are easy to put on and put on relatively properly. Anecdotally, at the beginning of the pandemic (~Feb.) I was at a Chinese supermarket and a lady there had a medical-grade 3M N95 on sideways. Totally useless and a waste.

It is really disappointing to see the news today become more and more like Indian news. You obviously can't totally eliminate biases, but this has been absolutely brutal. Not totally surprising since Matthew Pottinger (former WSJ Journalist and then-Trump sycophant) was actively trying to seed narratives to form an anti-China consensus. The lab leak theory was created by him and Pompeo, with the "lab leak dossier". A few days later there was a release by the US' own Office of the Director of National Intelligence that basically refuted this idea, but it doesn't matter now, it's too late.

Anyway, ranting aside...

With the emergence of numerous outbreaks around China, can we make a hypothesis that the behavior of the virus is very similar to Cold and Flu where it seems to be more active in the winter? It might spread quietly in the summer months?

I think this Obama quote is apt.

Obama: If we do not have the capacity to distinguish what’s true from what’s false, then by definition the marketplace of ideas doesn’t work. And by definition our democracy doesn’t work.


Senior Member
This is telling. And strange silence from the western MSM suddenly descended.
This is an ABC news article about it.

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However, since no chinese vacine has yet been approved by the WHO, will COVAX acept them? i have already posted this and no one here has answered.

The sinovac and sinopharm vaccines are being reviewed for emergency use status by the WHO and that a decision about it will only be taken in march at the earliest. What does that mean? that the vaccines right now are not considered safe by the WHO? what happens if the WHO doesnt approve them?

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