Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
This is an ABC news article about it.

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However, since no chinese vacine has yet been approved by the WHO, will COVAX acept them? i have already posted this and no one here has answered.

Really, Orthan. You got to do better than that. At the time that tweet was posted. The ABC article wasn't out. And you ought to read article before posting.

The article was trying to be as negative as possible. It trying to say no details were given as to the vaccines is free. The negativity is strong and butt hurt is strong in that one.

And as far as your post is concerned quoting SCMP article. It made no mention that China was to give the vaccine free to WHO. It nearly stated that China was seeking approval from WHO. So it's not comparable. Which is no one bothered to reply to your post.


Senior Member
And as far as your post is concerned quoting SCMP article. It made no mention that China was to give the vaccine free to WHO. It nearly stated that China was seeking approval from WHO.
i have never mentioned that the chinese vacines were supposed to be free. I raised the issue that these vacines havent yet been approved by the WHO and what will happen if they arent approved.


24 hours post second Moderna shot. In addition to the usual sore arm, I started to experience body chill last night. I was shivering even with 3 layers of thick comforters on me. Body chill subsided in early morning ~2 am. Having a headache and body ache now (probably from all the shivering last night). Sore arm and legs. Feeling fatigued in general.
From a scale of 10, how bad did you feel. IMO anyone who rated their unwellness at 5 or higher should take the day off work. By doing that, the researchers can gauge the economic impact the vaccine is having with the side effects.


Lieutenant General
Lol, Wu-Tang Clan is probably more respective of Chinese culture than Canadian diplomats.

Something interesting I found while reading the news
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The autonomous ethnic government of the Shan state in Burma has established it's own testing regime in cooperation with China. This is a "rebel" government, but look how serious they take it! Next thing we know, all of the state will be vaccinated before some places!

As a note, these are not regular irregulars.
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They have strong ties to China, as the article very succintly puts it "(weapons) ...of Chinese origin and not the type of kit that would accidentally fall from the back of a truck." Very true, since they have things like Type-03 rifle which was never widely deployed in PLA or exported elsewhere.

Typical western BS reporting. The Wa Army didn’t just pop up out of the blue with no context. Given the actual genocide the Burmese committed against their ethnic Han population as well as what they did to the Rohingyas, you would have to be mentally handicapped to think giving up your guns is going to be a good idea if you were an ethnic minority living in Myanmar.

reservior dogs

Junior Member
Registered Member
24 hours post second Moderna shot. In addition to the usual sore arm, I started to experience body chill last night. I was shivering even with 3 layers of thick comforters on me. Body chill subsided in early morning ~2 am. Having a headache and body ache now (probably from all the shivering last night). Sore arm and legs. Feeling fatigued in general.
Yes, my wife took the second shot and she was in bed for a day. A lot of pain on the whole side of the body, but no chills in her case. In the Bay Area, the vaccine roll out seems to be going well. We should have this licked by summer or fall at this rate. Hang in there.

Austin Powers

Junior Member
Registered Member
Yes, my wife took the second shot and she was in bed for a day. A lot of pain on the whole side of the body, but no chills in her case. In the Bay Area, the vaccine roll out seems to be going well. We should have this licked by summer or fall at this rate. Hang in there.

Vaccine doesn't eliminate disease. Americans take flu shot every year and flu is the most prevalent disease in the US with millions of cases annually. If anything, vaccine is more money for big pharma. There's a lot of corruption involved.

reservior dogs

Junior Member
Registered Member
Vaccine doesn't eliminate disease. Americans take flu shot every year and flu is the most prevalent disease in the US with millions of cases annually.
The goal is not to eliminate the disease. If we can prevent the heavier symptoms and the death and the residual that follow, then Covid is just another flu and people can go about their normal business and the economy will come back to life.