Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Moderator - World Affairs
The lesson of the pandemic for me is:

The Short Answer: Westerners can't even contain COVID, how can they contain China, a mighty ancient civilization with 1/5 of humanity?

The Long Answer: If Westerners can't get universal consensus on a public health emergency like a lethal pandemic (which is so low-hanging fruit), how can they get universal consensus on a near peer competitor (not even a true adversary/enemy) like "Containment of China"? China isn't the Soviet Union. US-China Trade in a single year is more than entire history of US-Soviet trade. The West cannot contain CHina, there is no way in hell, the system of governance is susceptible to distraction, division, and internal fighting to ever effectively contain China.


Really? Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep that in mind when I take my follow up in 19 days.
Yep, I only experienced sore arm after the first shot. That was it.

On the night of my second shot, I had a terrible chill that lasted 4-5 hours. And severe headache, body ache and fatigue on the following day. That first 36 hours were pretty bad. Almost 2/3 of my colleagues experienced similar side effects after their second shots. A colleague of mine just told me today that his body chill was so bad and his whole body shook so badly that he couldn’t keep his toothbrush in his mouth. So brace for it in 19 days...


Registered Member
The lesson of the pandemic for me is:

The Short Answer: Westerners can't even contain COVID, how can they contain China, a mighty ancient civilization with 1/5 of humanity?

The Long Answer: If Westerners can't get universal consensus on a public health emergency like a lethal pandemic (which is so low-hanging fruit), how can they get universal consensus on a near peer competitor (not even a true adversary/enemy) like "Containment of China"? China isn't the Soviet Union. US-China Trade in a single year is more than entire history of US-Soviet trade. The West cannot contain CHina, there is no way in hell, the system of governance is susceptible to distraction, division, and internal fighting to ever effectively contain China.
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While the article made some references to authoritarianism, you can't help but notice China was extremely successful and become envious from reading it. This shows how effective China's system is/was at containing COVID. Even NYT struggled to spin it as a bad thing, and had to admit the massive success of China economically, medically.