Even then these people are never trusted, only tolerated. If anything, acting like Gordan Chang will make the Americans trust them even less, because if you can flip so easily once, then you can do it again even easier next time.
There isn’t anything like the kind of overt racism and hostility towards Chinese in the UK as there is in the US, but from just the narrow prospective of my own personal experience; colleagues and friends know my politics and loyalty towards China, and while some strongly disagree with me on the politics side, that has never resulted in any personal animosity, and I am even friends with many non-Chinese who buy into the western MSM party line on China wholesale.
OTOH, there were a few Chinese who are, or at least act rabidly anti-China. While they might get a few nodes and cheers on some particularly choice rhetoric, they have far fewer non-Chinese friends even amongst the Anti-China leaning crowd, with many expressing grave reservations about the trustworthiness and personal integrity of the Chinese self-haters.
In the west, it’s quite normal and expected for people and friends to disagree on politics, but traitors and turncoats are treated with similar levels of distain and suspicion the world over.
Maybe the situation is so bad in the US that normal rules and morality and common sense are overwritten when it involves China even at the individual level, but for everywhere else, acting the traitor to try and win approval from non-Chinese is a fool’s game that will ultimately loose you far more than it would gain in my experience and opinion.