"996" is standard working culture in China, contrasted with the prevailing US workplace trend of, "work life balance." Starting with primary education, the Chinese education system is more suited for generating competent and productive engineers and scientists.
The "996" working time model means around 50 billion working hours in China every week. It's only 7 billion hours of work in the United States I guess.
This consideration is simplified. If you want to make a career in Europe or America, you also work 70 hours a week.
That is not healthy! There is a risk of burnout.
Nevertheless: the comparison of numbers shows why China is catching up economically with the USA. Add to that motivation, discipline, and more and more good company structures and process organization (which can only be built and maintained with great effort; many American companies already had their best times).
Then you also understand why China is better able to successfully tackle tasks such as containing an epidemic. And you get an idea of why governments like the Trump administration see no other option than to defend themselves with blame and fake news.
The assessment at the beginning of the year that Covid-19 is a purely Chinese problem and that it can help to consolidate the economic position of the USA was wrong.
Another topic: the number of cases in Russia explode!