The sad thing is there is no hard evidence that China started the Covid-19 outbreak. There are too many loose ends, that cannot be answer. In the past, the U.S. government had awarded $ 3.75 million grant to China to locate and collect corona virus samples from horseshoe bats in southern China. The samples were sent back to the U.S.
Collecting and studying bat virus is NOT bio-weapons research. Unfortunately the average Joe Sixpack does not have the common sense and judgemental capability to discern what he sees on social media or MSM. In recent days, Fox News is propagating the absurd story that the original, unaltered SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab, without a shred of evidence that the Wuhan lab actually had possession of such a virus before the outbreak. In fact, I do not recall a single instance in which a pathogen is collected, isolated, and studied before it causes disease in humans. It's always the other way around: an infectious agent infects humans, then it is collected, isolated, and studied. What's the probability that China collected the SARS-CoV-2 virus secretly, studied it covertly, and did not publish anything about it? Very small. What's the odds that such a virus escaped from a BSL-4 lab later? Very small. What's the probability of the intersection of two events with very small probabilities? Very very small. The Fox News story is a fairy tale, or a nonstarter.
The news that the CDC was contaminated which hindered creating a reliable coronavirus test in the US shows why hypocrites have to point the finger first at others. It does lessen the seriousness of it when someone else takes the heat first. Speculation that coronavirus was accidentally leaked from a Chinese lab because two years ago the very same CDC accused the very same Chinese lab of being neglectful. If you just heard that CDC was contaminated, no one would trust anything that was coming out of there. Buy now it's more important to discredit China as worse. Not to say this was intentional but hypocrites know to immediately blame it on someone else just for such cases like these. You better believe that we're only hearing about it now because they knew how embarrassing it would be if the public knew just like what they accuse China. They aren't better. They're no better.
Well, here is a U.S. scientist, Dr. Danielle Anderson, who actually worked at the Wuhan lab, said (with minor editing by me):
I have worked in this exact laboratory at various times for the past two years. I can personally attest to the strict control and containment measures implemented while working there. The staff at WIV are incredibly competent, hardworking, and are excellent scientists with superb track records.
Situation in the U.S. on April 18 at 8:00 pm EDT:
On April 18, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, there are 7 domestic new cases and 9 imported new cases. There are 44 new asymptomatic cases. There is no death nationwide. There 77,062 cured cases and 1,041 existing cases. Existing cases in HK and Macau 34 to 479.