Hi all, long time lurker here - medical by background (not the only one here, to my pleasant surprise; however I am not infectious disease specialist), I thought I'd share some useful information and links on nCOV-2019. There are sadly too much misinformation going around at the moment.
This is a twitter thread by an infectious disease specialist in the UK, featuring good quality data and papers on the topic so far, and she keeps it up to date as well. There has been a lot of debates on here about how deadly this disease is (and to that extent, the mortality rate). The fact of the matter is we simply do not have enough data to draw a solid conclusion ( see:
). As eluded by other members already, there are potentially many who have caught the disease but they either suffered from very mild symptoms or none at all, and did not seek any medical attention. Table below for comparison of recent viral outbreaks.
Live tracking of all the nCOV-2019 in China, it seems to update on an hourly basis and all data are pulled from each province's respective health department. This is in Chinese, but the 4 numbers above to map corresponds to: confirmed case, suspect case, death, and cured respectively from left to right. This should put to rest any argument about Chinese government not being transparent about the outbreak.
The 3rd edition of national guidance on diagnosis + treatment of nCOV-2019; this is circulated on a wechat medical group, and unfortunately only in Chinese as well. Very technical documents where it offers clinical definitions and suggested treatments; interestingly it also recommends traditional chinese medicine formulary for treatment.
Presentation slides given by Wuhan doctors, mainly focusing on the radiology findings of the disease. Again in Chinese only and a very technical document.