Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)

obj 705A

Junior Member
Registered Member
Yeah not sure how he can say Xi is one of the weakest Chinese leaders... if anything its the opposite. Huawei helping Xi use blockchain tech to create a digital Yuan monetary system. China is already cashless, WeChat payment leapfrogged the outdated credit card payment of the West. China One Belt Road is about leveraging its infrastructure overcapacity to build a massive trade network with all of Eurueasia, Huawei 5G connecting the high speed communications; and thus eroding the leverage America has with its navy in the SCS to blockade trade. At same time China signs bilateral deals with the BRI countries getting them onboard the digital Yuan, effectively pulling the rug under the US petrodollar system and shifting the power and wealth back to the 5000 year Middle Kingdom. Hardly the weakest leader.

I'm already going off topic so I will keep it to a minimum & I won't talk any further about Xi after this post (anyone else can talk about him as much as you want though, I'm not a mod) , my main issue with Xi Jinping was back during the HK protests, I always thought he should have sent the PLA to HK to bring back order, instead he chose to do nothing in HK, I have nothing against protesting against a government for the sake of better services & rights but HK protesters were merely protesting beacuse they support sepratism.

Deleted member 13312

Leishenshan Hospital has been wired fully for electricity on Wednesday in
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, the center of the
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outbreak. With a capacity of 1,600 beds, Leishenshan hospital will be put into use on Feb. 5



I hope that the building is just going to be in place until the epidemic is over though. A better way around it would be to repurpose community halls as temporary hospitals to treat less serious symptoms to lessen the burden on the better equipped facilities elsewhere.


Lieutenant General
Xi ordered the military to be in the forefront of the fight
Chinese President
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has ordered Chinese military to keep its mission firmly in mind and shoulder responsibility to make contribution to winning the battle against the novel
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Lieutenant General
I hope that the building is just going to be in place until the epidemic is over though. A better way around it would be to repurpose community halls as temporary hospitals to treat less serious symptoms to lessen the burden on the better equipped facilities elsewhere.

Can't do that because you need special ventilation and filtration to isolate the facility Retrofitting old building take longer


Lieutenant General
People should stop finger pointing and have"Schade Freude" We are in this together world wide effort is needed and they did decoded the virus DNA at lightning speed Now the people all over the world are working to find cure or vaccine And please no need stereotype Chinese dirty or Chinese has abominable eating habit .Yes trading and selling wild animals meat should be forbidden. It is disgusting eating those bat though I am familiar with it since family friend consider it as delicacy and has been eaten for generation

A new report indicates that the deadly Chinese coronavirus may not actually have originated at a wet market in Wuhan (Sahar Esfandiari)
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January 27, 2020, 3:56 PM UTC


wuhan virus

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  • New research argues that the deadly Wuhan coronavirus may not have originated at a wet market in the city as previously thought.

  • A report published in the medical journal The Lancet found that of 41 cases of the virus in Wuhan, China, only 13 were linked to the market,
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  • The researchers also found that the first hospitalized case was not linked to the market.

  • It was widely believed that people in Wuhan caught the virus from animals in a
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    , where meat is sold alongside live animals, often in poorly regulated condition


Can someone clarify what's going on with the hospitals? Are they building one or two hospitals? Did they finish one already or are they both still under construction?

How many beds are there? I've seen any number from 700 to 1000 to the 1600 posted by Hendricks above.


Latest update:

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6000 confirmed, 9000 suspected, 130 deaths.

Looks like the death rate is going down. Only 2% if we look only at the confirmed cases, and less than 1% if we take into account the suspected cases.