ofcourse, since Xi Jinping is the second coming of Jesus Christ every other Chinese citizen is a nobody compared to him so anythimg negative they say about him is automatically considered false.
Yeah, no one cares about your FLG standard issue strawman BS.
regarding this myth that Wu Flu is no more dangerous than Flu, 59 million people in the US were infected , out of which 12000 died (0.02%) in other words.. in a random sample of 5800 patients only one patient would die of swine flu compare that to 132 for Wu flu.
Nice try, but you are either being deliberately disingenuous with your numbers, or cannot do even basic background research.
estimated totals
from 2009 to 2011 of 60.4m infected and deaths of 12,469.
You have to be an idiot to think the US actually performed 60.4m diagnostic tests, so you should have been suspicious of that number from the get go. But I guess you reserve your scepticism purely for China as per your programming.
So, two blatantly obvious problems with your numbers. First is that a vaccine was available form Oct2009, which would have massively reduced the mortality rate from the outbreak as they were issued in prioritisation of risk, so those most likely to die from the outbreak were immunised first, minimising fatalities while having a much smaller impact on total infections because there weren’t enough vaccines for everyone, nor was there any attempt at mandatory total vaccination even when there were.
Secondly is the estimated nature of all those numbers.
You can read up on the CDC’s reasoning from the link above, but to quickly sum up, they multiplied the actual diagnosed infected number by 79.
direct quote from the CDC’s own website
Correcting for under-ascertainment, the study found that every case of 2009 H1N1 reported from April – July represented an estimated 79 total cases...
But if we look at the April-17OCT2009 actuals, we get a far more comparable set of numbers (in terms of comparing like-for-like).
Cumulative reports of laboratory-confirmed 2009 H1N1 hospitalizations and deaths for the same period used in this analysis (April through October 17, 2009), are 17,283 hospitalizations and 1,004 deaths.
That’s a mortality rate of 5.81%.
another member asked me like one million times already what I think should be done & I didn't answer him..because China cannot do anything more than what they are doing now,
So China could not be doing anything more even by your own admission, yet you are still criticising its response. Real reasonable.
that doesn't mean the officials that covered it up shouldn't be punished to make an example out of them,
You keep repeating the same claim, but where is your evidence of a cover up?
Xi's usefullness has expired, just as how Mao Zedong did good things for China before he screwed up, Xi too has screwed up when he censored information.
More FLG party line BS.
I always thought Xi was one of weakest leaders China has had, Xi's worshippers say he is the strongest leader since Mao.. just because he is stuck to his thrown doesn't mean he is strong, it just means he is selfish,I'm not suggesting that China should become a democracy that would be way too risky because then we might get a Chinese Gorbachiev, instead he should just let the young generation rule, I'm sure you could find thousands of young Chinese politicians who would be 100 times more hawkish than Xi.
Yet more FLG party line BS.
Don’t bother replying to me, as I have seen enough evidence to know you have nothing to value to contribute, and all your posts are just ideological driven brainwashed hate, so I am adding you to the very exclusive ignore club.