That's what I say also. BTW guns and ammo stock running low. Better safe than sorry for own protection. Just being prudent.
Yea I know, most 9mm ammo outta stock sad... Stay safe.
That's what I say also. BTW guns and ammo stock running low. Better safe than sorry for own protection. Just being prudent.
Also, a request regarding this post from twitter, can someone translate?
There are few more posts in that twitter handle's profile.
Recording doesn't make sense, it's most certainly missing a lot of context.
It talks about "experts signing" to supposedly end quarantine, but then talks about how the decision is made based on X-Rays.
The purpose of quarantine is to prevent infection. This has nothing to do with x-ray images. You can certainly have healed lungs but still be infectious. To date, the only criteria for recovery has been testing negative for the virus twice in a row, with 24 hours between the tests.
Since the subtitles are in traditional Chinese, I can only assume that some Taiwanese person/organization manipulated this recording to disseminate more anti-China propaganda.
Sorry your guess is as good as mine. The only thing we can realistically do is prepare for that possibility. I count myself lucky as I do not share elevators, wide space neighborhood, stocked, and 5 minutes walk to work if necessary. I worry about some of my more vulnerable neighbors though as this can be potentially fatal to some.
I hope you've stocked up on food, staying home is the safest thing to do right now!
Considering how crowded NYC usually is and how fast this virus is spreading, if you must go out, make sure you wear a surgical mask and gloves. Do not take chances, avoid people! I fear it's going to get very bad in NYC...
Stay safe!
Ideally, work from home if that is possible!
I'm actually planning to move out to the suburbs soon, but I have to wait for my contractors to finish renovating the house. I just really hope I can make the move in time before any kind of lock-down/travel restrictions. I kind of regret start renovations now... when I started them a three weeks ago, the coronavirus was already looming in the horizon. And the cash would've come in handy to buy all the under-priced stocks available in a few weeks time...