Western MSM is probably one of the biggest cause for the spread of the virus outside of the lack of action from the government. The constant downplaying of the dangers while blaming and attacking China just makes it worst for everyone involved. I see so many people not taking this virus seriously in the US and any effort that was done by China to contain it is somehow seen and a bad idea.
With all these blaming of Western MSM, is that the preamble to being apologist to the Western politicians , Western Think Tanks, Western self styled experts for the hubris they surrounded themselves with?
That Commie Chinks, being Chinks are inferior race.
And even worse, coupled with decadent communism, a sure recipe for ineptitude and disaster.
So easily demonstrated to the world in December and January with makeshift slipshod solutions. That Western expertise, coupled with Democracy and Freedom of Speech and regards for Human rights will control that outbreak with blink of an eye and control much better than China hope to do.
Which is basically the gist of what I append below.
Except that was written much better than me.