Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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, the director general for health, announced the statistics Saturday night as the country saw a jump in new virus cases.

“We have counted this evening 300 serious cases in intensive care. We have serious cases also amid adults and let me remind you that more than 50 percent of people in intensive care are under 60.”


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, the director general for health, announced the statistics Saturday night as the country saw a jump in new virus cases.

“We have counted this evening 300 serious cases in intensive care. We have serious cases also amid adults and let me remind you that more than 50 percent of people in intensive care are under 60.”

Didn't the French hold mass demonstrations to protest the government's quarantine measures?


The Troll Hunter
Staff member
Western MSM is probably one of the biggest cause for the spread of the virus outside of the lack of action from the government. The constant downplaying of the dangers while blaming and attacking China just makes it worst for everyone involved. I see so many people not taking this virus seriously in the US and any effort that was done by China to contain it is somehow seen and a bad idea.
Media in general does not have news worthy items to share so they get into frenzy and fear mongering about one or two topics which results in masses panicking. Down here in Georgia, snow storm is once in 10 year event and my God, people go crazy because of the news.


Junior Member
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Western MSM is probably one of the biggest cause for the spread of the virus outside of the lack of action from the government. The constant downplaying of the dangers while blaming and attacking China just makes it worst for everyone involved. I see so many people not taking this virus seriously in the US and any effort that was done by China to contain it is somehow seen and a bad idea.
With all these blaming of Western MSM, is that the preamble to being apologist to the Western politicians , Western Think Tanks, Western self styled experts for the hubris they surrounded themselves with?
That Commie Chinks, being Chinks are inferior race.
And even worse, coupled with decadent communism, a sure recipe for ineptitude and disaster.

So easily demonstrated to the world in December and January with makeshift slipshod solutions. That Western expertise, coupled with Democracy and Freedom of Speech and regards for Human rights will control that outbreak with blink of an eye and control much better than China hope to do.

Which is basically the gist of what I append below.
Except that was written much better than me.

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Just overheard on news media, the UK has now abandoned the herd immunity strategy as it would cause an estimated 250,000 deaths.

This is kind of scary. It could cause up to 250,000 deaths and yet there had been those in the UK authorities who had agreed to it.
That's oficially now the strategy of the Netherlands, announced by the prime minister yesterday. The Netherlands will not go into lock down, but will impose all measures necessary to dampen the spread of the virus so as not to overload the healthcare system, with the estimate being that 50%-60% of the population will have to contract the virus before they as a whole become immune and stop the further spread.
Some background:
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There is ongoing research into how much if any a contribution children have into the spread of the virus. Pending on the outcome, schools may be reopened.
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Media in general does not have news worthy items to share so they get into frenzy and fear mongering about one or two topics which results in masses panicking. Down here in Georgia, snow storm is once in 10 year event and my God, people go crazy because of the news.

Hi WebMaster. What an honour to have you post here. Please stay for awhile and I hope you find it pleasant here or at least not hate your time here.

Sunday at 10:00 PM
moments ago I promised a Mod to limit my posts here to models like Today at 7:16 PM so ...
... so:
In the most effective mitigation strategy examined, which leads to a single, relatively short epidemic (case isolation, household quarantine and social distancing of the elderly), the surge limits for both general ward and ICUbeds would be exceeded by at least 8-fold under the more optimistic scenario forcritical care requirements that we examined.In addition, even if all patients were ableto be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US.
Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand
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