Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Junior Member
Registered Member
I know you are trying to make a point, but please avoid using racial slur terms. It is unnecessary and distracts from the real points you are trying to make.

I know you meant well. But it is clear I am a Chinese myself from my earlier writings and my photos.
That term I used is to portray the mindsets of those Western Politicans in their views of Chinese which is the reality as can be seen in their smearing and derogatory remarks and judgement they made.
Not just from the MSM. But from the quickness of their Politicans to jump in to defend whats written in their MSM and their cartoons and description of "Truly sick man of Asia" as perfectly acceptable from Western view point as West have Free Speech that they can, and will exercise, when they chose to.
Those kind attitude from them very real which lead to the disaster of their own making as they failed utterly to prepare despite the 2 months of lead time China gave to them.

Phase 2 is well into way. I feel sorry for the Westerners and the Americans who were very badly let down by their politicans and their racist attitudes. Even to now instead of focusing on what got to be done, they rather spend time in further inflaming the racial angle against China.

That was the point I tried to make.
My apologies if that upset you but that was clearly not my intention.


Let's go to war over coronavirus.
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Washington Examiner

Americans: China should pay for spreading virus, 3-in-10 say it’s ‘war’
By Paul Bedard
March 17, 2020 - 10:53 AM

Americans: China should pay for spreading virus, 3-in-10 say it’s ‘war’
Many people want China to help pay for its “silence and secrecy” that allowed the coronavirus to spread globally, according to a new survey focused on the crisis gripping the United States.

In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets, 42% of likely U.S. voters said that the communist country should help pay some of the financial costs that have resulted from the so-called Wuhan coronavirus, named for the city it began in.

Some 36% disagreed, and 22% are undecided, said Rasmussen.

Support is higher among Republicans. Of them, 54% want China to “pay at least some of the world’s coronavirus bills,” said Rasmussen. Just 37% of both Democrats and voters not affiliated with either major political party agreed.

Anger at China in the U.S. continues to build, and Rasmussen asked about taking further steps to punish China, including war, if the country retaliates against Washington.

Rasmussen noted that Chinese efforts to blame the U.S. for the virus outbreak have included a call that the government restrict U.S. access to key drugs it makes for American markets.

Said the pollster: “Twenty-eight percent (28%) of voters here say that if China follows through with that threat, it should be considered an act of war. Forty-eight percent (48%) disagree, but 25% are not sure.”


Lieutenant General
Of course talk of war and China being sued. It's considered a natural disaster and that's why people around the world couldn't sue the US for the swine flu since it started on a US corporate farm. How are they going get their money? They would have seize China's assets and that would be an act of war. That's an intentional act unlike the coronavirus hence why the conspiracies that it was engineered. Do they have proof? Just because they believe it, it must be true? Yeah whoever has the most power in this world gets to bully everyone on their beliefs and that's why they have to stop China's rise because they just have to look at themselves to the see abuse of that power. The US didn't go to war with North Korea because of the consequences. China is bigger hence the consequences are bigger. The coronavirus doesn't change that. It's just another excuse for their agenda for regime change in China. Even that is a euphemism for a US takeover of China. Look at how nicer it sounds. Everyone else is it's an invasion. For them they're only working on regime change for the better of the people that live in that regime.


Registered Member
At the risk of being accused of being political by sensitive members here, because I'm posting a video from a chinese CCP government mouthpiece, CGTN.

Well done, guys. I'm afraid, no fanfare for a job well done. Just tears of joy for a mission accomplished! And sad farewell with friends made during this, the sad chapter of the nation's sorrow, and friends that didn't make it. The country owes you all a debt of gratitude! I salute you all!
