Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Recording doesn't make sense, it's most certainly missing a lot of context.

It talks about "experts signing" to supposedly end quarantine, but then talks about how the decision is made based on X-Rays.

The purpose of quarantine is to prevent infection. This has nothing to do with x-ray images. You can certainly have healed lungs but still be infectious. To date, the only criteria for recovery has been testing negative for the virus twice in a row, with 24 hours between the tests.

Since the subtitles are in traditional Chinese, I can only assume that some Taiwanese person/organization manipulated this recording to disseminate more anti-China propaganda.

It is a pure propadanga for westerners to demonize China. Most western countries still only asked patients with mild symptoms to quarantine at home. China on the other hand believes it is not a good idea due to the fact that family members might get infected. So China sets up temporary hospitals to quarantine them.

These patients suppose to be discharged after 2 tests of negative. But it doesn't mean they are not monitored after discharge. Many of them would quarantine at hotels for another 14 days. Some would quarantine at home for another 14 days with community workers to check temperature for them. That compares with western countries that only asked patients with mild symptoms to quarantine at home. Anyone who have critical thinking skills should know who are doing more. But they make it like China is the bad guy. If China is the bad guy, then what are the western countries which mostly ask mild cases to be quarantine at home. The sad part is most westerners would fall for that.
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Pause, pause, friends, please pause. The thread has just been re-opened. You wanna it to be closed again? Instead of discussing the virus, I see you are bashing/criticizing some politicians. This may backfire as some other members might not be happy with it and it will end up flame war.

Not bashing. I do not think comments on motivation of presidential tweets is bashing. At least I hope there is no more unexplained edition of forumite's post
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Do you think it is likely NYC will get locked down? If so, how soon can you see it happening, and how absolute would it be? Also, is it just me, or do you hear even more emergency sirens going off than normal in the city today?


Registered Member
Not bashing. I do not think comments on motivation of presidential tweets is bashing. At least I hope there is no more unexplained edition of forumite's post

IDK why he thinks posting a tweet that could lead to Asian Americans getting hurt is bashing Trump. It's a legitimate warning to everyone here that is relevant to the conversation. There's enough hurt to go around, do we need more?

Do you think it is likely NYC will get locked down? If so, how soon can you see it happening, and how absolute would it be? Also, is it just me, or do you hear even more emergency sirens going off than normal in the city today?

Sorry your guess is as good as mine. The only thing we can realistically do is prepare for that possibility. I count myself lucky as I do not share elevators, wide space neighborhood, stocked, and 5 minutes walk to work if necessary. I worry about some of my more vulnerable neighbors though as this can be potentially fatal to some.



Do you think it is likely NYC will get locked down? If so, how soon can you see it happening, and how absolute would it be? Also, is it just me, or do you hear even more emergency sirens going off than normal in the city today?

I hope you've stocked up on food, staying home is the safest thing to do right now!

Considering how crowded NYC usually is and how fast this virus is spreading, if you must go out, make sure you wear a surgical mask and gloves. Do not take chances, avoid people! I fear it's going to get very bad in NYC...

Stay safe!
IDK why he thinks posting a tweet that could lead to Asian Americans getting hurt is bashing Trump. It's a legitimate warning to everyone here that is relevant to the conversation. There's enough hurt to go around, do we need more?

That's what I say also. BTW guns and ammo stock running low. Better safe than sorry for own protection. Just being prudent.

With all this shit going around,. I just wish we did not also have to worry about a malignant presidential tweet
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