Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
As a moderator, it is your right to warn or ban me. I have been to this forum at the very beginning when Dongfeng is still in charged. China bashing never stopped. That's why so many restrictions and rules were implemented but in the end it is still no use. When Gollevainn was still a moderator, I told him that I would speak out if I see any unjustified moderating. I totally expected to be banned. But I am not going to discuss this over the PM, it is another way to silence me.

It is perfectly justified to ban rumors and conspiracy theories. But that is not why you implement this broad and vague categories to ban. Posting an article from a mainstream media from German, is that considered posting a rumor. Of course, you can debunk or refute the article but it is not posting a rumor. Posting an article mocking Boris Johnson herd immunity strategy, is that considered bashing a world leader. Posting an article mocking Trump for claiming it is just a flu, is that considered bashing a world leader. To me, it is clear why you did what you did.

I have been here before Deino, Siegecrossbow, Bltizo, Huitung, Sampan Viking, Jeff Head, and BDPopeye even become moderators. I know the rules and I know the consequences. But I still want to speak out, your moderating is too broad and too vague.

It's not going to end well!


China's number on Mar. 15, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan: 16 new cases, 14 deaths in China (table 1), 4 cases and 14 deaths in Hubei province including Wuhan (table 2), 12 cases and no death in the rest of China (table 3) - all 12 cases were imported from overseas.

Table 1:

Table 2:

Table 3:

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Excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, there are 67,749 cured cases on Mar. 15. Existing cases finally dropped below 10,000 to 9,898. There are 80,860 cumulative confirmed cases (chart 4).

Chart 1:

Chart 2:

Chart 3:

Chart 4:


Junior Member
Registered Member
The most frightening thing about Covid-19 is not about the infection and the number of deaths from it. In comparison, the number of people killed by Covid-19 lags far behind traffic accidents, strokes, cardiovascular diseases ... and epidemics of the century such as HIV and malaria. The real damage caused by Covid-19 was caused by crisis, division and hostility between nations and races. It magnifies prejudice and negative emotions

Let us revisit this posting of yours in 2 months time. Covid19 in the world is not even the beginning at this stage. It is merely the start of the beginning.

I am waiting another week before I revisit something said about covid19 cases in USA as rare or more rare as getting hit by lightning. I said then we revisit that in two weeks time, and only a week gone past.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I talked to Deino earlier today, and he suggested that we should shut this down for a few days... DO NOT RESPOND to this MODERATION


Staff member
Super Moderator
Heads up for people who live in the states:

If you have family or loved ones living alone you should probably get them to move in with you if you still have room. I have a feeling that many cities will implement travel bans and quarantines soon.