Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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In this very thread and from the very beginning, there is China bashing and still is China bashing. Attack of Chinese leaders and government are everywhere. No actions have taken to stop them. The only thing mods asked is no conspiracy theories.

Now the tables have turned. Now you demanded no attack on Western countries and their leaders. This is hypocritical. You just don't want to hear things that don't fit your views and ideology. If it is ok to criticize the Chinese government then why isn't ok to criticize the western governments and their leaders. Your attempt to silence people from speaking out different views is just too obvious.

Preventing personal attacks and conspiracy theories are fine. But what consist of fake news. As long as articles come from the mainstream media in either east or west, then it is a fair game to post them. Because it is how is has been at this forum.
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If Trump did make that offer, you would still expect the company to deny it.

So I'd say the jury is still out, but more details will come to light in the future.
moments ago I promised a Mod to limit my posts here to models like Today at 7:16 PM so I refrain from commenting

what's not funny though is when I wake up tomorrow, likely the movement in a whole country will be restricted, to work, shopping and home

Rettam Stacf

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52 min ago
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I noticed in the last paragraph of the article, how the Germany government, responding to CNN's inquiry, said :

Germany’s Health Ministry responding to a CNN question about the German newspaper report said: "The federal government is very interested in the fact that vaccines and active substances against the novel corona virus are also being developed in Germany and Europe. In this regard, the federal government is in intensive exchange with the company CureVac."

There was some serious concern by the Germany authority.


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The toilet paper/food hoarding is ridiculous. When some idiot starts hoarding stuff others who don't want to hoard are forced to join in because they legitimately can't get the goods otherwise. Maybe stores should start limiting how much each family can buy.
It demand and supply issue, the worst situation is not now, but few months ahead. Until the government can practically has a plan that guarantee supplies, people will get whatever they can afford now. Keep in mind that many will be losing their jobs or at best less work, thus less money for everyday essentials. The uncertainty make people take desperate measures.


As a moderator, it is your right to warn or ban me. I have been to this forum at the very beginning when Dongfeng is still in charged. China bashing never stopped. That's why so many restrictions and rules were implemented but in the end it is still no use. When Gollevainn was still a moderator, I told him that I would speak out if I see any unjustified moderating. I totally expected to be banned. But I am not going to discuss this over the PM, it is another way to silence me.

It is perfectly justified to ban rumors and conspiracy theories. But that is not why you implement this broad and vague categories to ban. Posting an article from a mainstream media from German, is that considered posting a rumor. Of course, you can debunk or refute the article but it is not posting a rumor. Posting an article mocking Boris Johnson herd immunity strategy, is that considered bashing a world leader. Posting an article mocking Trump for claiming it is just a flu, is that considered bashing a world leader. To me, it is clear why you did what you did.

I have been here before Deino, Siegecrossbow, Bltizo, Huitung, Sampan Viking, Jeff Head, and BDPopeye even become moderators. I know the rules and I know the consequences. But I still want to speak out, your moderating is too broad and too vague.


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People feels like they can buy the freedom from the illness by spending money for toilet paper, foodstuff and so on.

But it is just one step on the ladder of grief .
It is the bargaining, the feeling like with money you can buy your life.

Best part of the population have to develop immunity.
And it is possible only if best part of the population catch it.

There is no other way.
Forget toilet paper, Americans are now queuing long lines for guns. Just saw that in Australian morning news.


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All medical equipment have been installed and calibrated in the rebuilt Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing.
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The first Xiaotangshan hospital has built in 2003 to treat SARS patient and was dismantled in 2010. As you can see, it was a collection of single-level, temporary structures that's not designed to last long and without much modern facilities.


Now, the newly rebuilt Xiaotangshan hospital is a three floors modern specialized infectious disease hospital designed to hold 1,500 beds and working space for 2,500 HCWs. Built and fully-equipped within two months.


I expect some VIP to visit very soon.

This was what the Beijing municipal government had been doing in the last 7 weeks to prepare for future waves of COVID-19. And Beijing wasn't alone in this. Here's the Shenzhen version

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It's possible or indeed probabe that there will be a second wave of infections in Chinese cities, but they're now much better prepared.
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