Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Yes, but it's indicative of the byzantine complexity and confusion of the system.

There are articles which mention some US hospitals charging $1000.

And then we have the Korean company which is charging $20 per test. I would expect Chinese companies to be at a similar cost.
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Problem is that doctors always check patient if they are covered by insurance. Once they found out the patient is covered, they usually charged ridiculously maximum fees knowingly their patient still pay the same cost.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I noticed in the last paragraph of the article, how the Germany government, responding to CNN's inquiry, said :

Germany’s Health Ministry responding to a CNN question about the German newspaper report said: "The federal government is very interested in the fact that vaccines and active substances against the novel corona virus are also being developed in Germany and Europe. In this regard, the federal government is in intensive exchange with the company CureVac."

There was some serious concern by the Germany authority.

No rumors, I'm trying to keep this thread open because members do have legitimate concerns.... CNN is fake news, they are very political and undermine all legitimate govts to spread their own "conspiracy theories"..

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Problem is that doctors always check patient if they are covered by insurance. Once they found out the patient is covered, they usually charged ridiculously maximum fees knowingly their patient still pay the same cost.

Everybody will get a test if they need one, and yes, insurance companies pay an amount for the tests that they negotiate with the Dr or Hospital. The govt will be paying for testing for those who are not insured during the corona virus crisis....

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
If Trump did make that offer, you would still expect the company to deny it.

So I'd say the jury is still out, but more details will come to light in the future.

Andy, I can assure you that the US and Germany are working hand in hand to develop a vaccine for everybody, think about it, the US and Germany are two of the most responsive nations to any international crisis, and are still very solid ally's on every front, even with their differences.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
All medical equipment have been installed and calibrated in the rebuilt Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing.
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The first Xiaotangshan hospital has built in 2003 to treat SARS patient and was dismantled in 2010. As you can see, it was a collection of single-level, temporary structures that's not designed to last long and without much modern facilities.

View attachment 58397

Now, the newly rebuilt Xiaotangshan hospital is a three floors modern specialized infectious disease hospital designed to hold 1,500 beds and working space for 2,500 HCWs. Built and fully-equipped within two months.

View attachment 58398

I expect some VIP to visit very soon.

This was what the Beijing municipal government had been doing in the last 7 weeks to prepare for future waves of COVID-19. And Beijing wasn't alone in this. Here's the Shenzhen version

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It's possible or indeed probabe that there will be a second wave of infections in Chinese cities, but they're now much better prepared.

That's an amazing feat, and very good news, thanks for sharing that.


Registered Member
Andy, I can assure you that the US and Germany are working hand in hand to develop a vaccine for everybody, think about it, the US and Germany are two of the most responsive nations to any international crisis, and are still very solid ally's on every front, even with their differences.

You're out of date with what has happened with the deterioration of the US-German relationship.

Germans’ sentiment that U.S. power and influence is a major threat to their country has been rising in recent years. In 2013, only 19% of Germans said the U.S. was a major threat, but that rose to 35% in 2017, after the election of Donald Trump, and to 49% in 2018. Only around a third of Germans express similar concerns about China (33%) and Russia (30%)

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Registered Member
Its NOT true friend, and CNN is no friend of this present administration, but if we find fake news of any kind, I promise you we will send it to the dumpster!

The German Health Ministry confirmed that this happened.
CNBC and Reuters report below.

  • Germany’s Health Ministry confirmed a report in newspaper Welt am Sonntag, which said President Donald Trump had offered funds to lure the company CureVac to the United States.
  • Contacted by Reuters, a spokeswoman for the German Health Ministry said: “We confirm the report in the Welt am Sonntag.”

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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
It is fine. It is your call. I just want to speak out what in my mind. Don't need to lecture me about forum rules. I already said you have the right to ban me. That should have been clear that I know the consequences.

I appreciate your honesty and your loyalty, SDF needs more forum members of your caliber and character, thank you for a kind response, and Blessings to you and yours my friend.