Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


The Troll Hunter
Staff member
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Re-opening this thread with an understanding that we must not forget that to participate in discussions, we must do so with an open mind, facts and back those facts up with recognized sources. All members are asked exercise extreme patience and emotional intelligence that we are interacting with another human, who has different opinion and outlook on issues than us. When you post a link to an article, do so with an understanding that author maybe using yesterdays information to churn out an article for today and that is how they get paid. Don't hold on to someone else's opinion in online blog/newspaper as if it is the Gospel. Post, share but be ready to accept alternative views, opposing or favoring your own. Purpose of this forum and having discussions is to come to a FULL understanding about the topic, from all sides and viewpoints. Don't get married to an opinion.

Real news/fake news, etc., etc.
ALL of us have same level of access to INFORMATION with the help of the internet.
Research the story/info from multiple sources. We(myself, mods, members) have added advantage, we understand (if you don't then you should) what 5th and 6th+++ generation warfare is and what it does. How information/disinformation is used and misused. Don't count anything out.

Also, a request regarding this post from twitter, can someone translate?

There are few more posts in that twitter handle's profile.


Recording doesn't make sense, it's most certainly missing a lot of context.

It talks about "experts signing" to supposedly end quarantine, but then talks about how the decision is made based on X-Rays.

The purpose of quarantine is to prevent infection. This has nothing to do with x-ray images. You can certainly have healed lungs but still be infectious. To date, the only criteria for recovery has been testing negative for the virus twice in a row, with 24 hours between the tests.

Since the subtitles are in traditional Chinese, I can only assume that some Taiwanese person/organization manipulated this recording to disseminate more anti-China propaganda.




Junior Member
Registered Member
What worries me most is not the "Chinese Virus" dig, it's the fact that the US and Canadian officials are still worrying about the economy when faced with exponentially rising cases of infection. Even after Italy, they still refuse to see the seriousness of the pandemic!
It's not simply worry about the economy. It is worry about the stock market, a sector of the economy that disproportionately impacts the 1%. Rather than taking command of supply chains and production, they're printing money to help their friends in the stock market. Being concerned about the economy is fine if they mean being concerned about how physical goods will reach quarantined areas, but the leaders of the US are very obviously not doing that. But at least we learned that spending $1 trillion to make a number go up 1% for 20 minutes is sound economic policy.


Pause, pause, friends, please pause. The thread has just been re-opened. You wanna it to be closed again? Instead of discussing the virus, I see you are bashing/criticizing some politicians. This may backfire as some other members might not be happy with it and it will end up flame war.
What worries me most is not the "Chinese Virus" dig, it's the fact that the US and Canadian officials are still worrying about the economy when faced with exponentially rising cases of infection. Even after Italy, they still refuse to see the seriousness of the pandemic!

Just another tactic by Trump to distract as usual. He wants people to talk about this instead of how he is handling the current chaotic situation.