I wouldn't go that far friend, I have several toys that the "Honey Badger" sees no need of?? so what we can say for certain, is that if indeed the "Honey Badger" is unhappy, then the Air Force Brat is also "miserable", from the old "misery loves company" school of thought, to which the "Honey Badger" fully ascribes and gives considerable instruction.....
but to concede, yes if she is indeed happy, its a least likely that the "Air Force Brat" has a high probability of being able to continue those activities which bring me happiness. Keep in mind however that sometimes making me miserable does indeed bring her considerable joy??
Some of you guys with wives, steady girlfriends?? know what I mean
Wow, TMI. Brat, TMI! Lol. It is a figure of speech in the UK. we ofter say, if your Mrs is happy, then you must be happy, as you are not getting nagged at about everything under the sun! And you are free to go about your business without worrying about the other half!
I wasn't meant to pry your private life! Sorry.