Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
I don't see this as a good news. 10 are imported from overseas which mean things can become ugly very fast if screening and quarantines are not enforced properly. Maybe China should consider to quarantine everyone coming to China.

But as long as China makes sure these guys don't infect others I think we're fine. Remember China is surveillance king and can keep tabs on everyone at any time.

During the 70th parade, they keep visitors in hotels and send police to check on them everyday.


Lieutenant General
I wouldn't rule out an American or its' operative making these statement. We know they are master manipulators in age of SNS. To think otherwise is being naive.

Of course it's possible but those people aren't geniuses either. Like when I pointed to the many articles that say the people of Wuhan are angry at the government for their handling the coronavirus. The very people they say unleashed this virus in the first place by eating these animals? If true they're in no position to criticize the government when this is all their fault in the first place. That's why I think that story is a lie. It's the media making it up where they hope to further the US goal of regime change in China. Blame the government for your own actions? That's American because Americans don't take responsibility of their own actions and it's always someone else's fault not theirs. I remember the early days of the 2009 swine flu. Guess which country they tried blaming first? I've mention this before where there were articles after articles writing that Chinese were buying up French vineyards and the French winemakers were up at arms. One US wine journalist wrote an article saying that he was going write a story about this based on what other journalists were writing. But, then he decided that he was going to fly to France to see for himself. First, Chinese weren't buying up French vineyards. That was a lie. What he found out was out of all the French winemakers he spoke to, only one had expressed a problem with it if it were happening. What does that mean? It means one journalist out-right lied speaking for French winemakers for what he wanted them to say and every other journalist who wrote the same story didn't care if it was the truth or not. They just wrote an article based on what other articles said.

From my experience there are plenty of Asians who like posing as others and it's a dead give away when some post mentions what countries should gang up against China and then there's an oddball country included that can contribute nothing to the cause and you know that's where that poster comes from. And it's more obvious when it's just the US and one or two of those oddball countries that should team together. And don't forget the bad grammar. Just last week there was one poster in an article who mentioned how "us" Americans should take on China and its stranglehold over "rare lands." So obviously a Google translation for what was suppose to be "rare earths." That alone tells you not American and definitely a foreigner that doesn't speak English.
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Lieutenant General
The man behind the poem on Japanese donated box. And why he wrote it
He was director of China Japan youth exchange He ask the young japanese why they want to go to China? They listening to stereotype they think all chinese hate them But then they went to China on short visit and found that Chinese are warm and friendly so they decide to learn Chinese and visit China to know better. He was moved by their answer


Junior Member
No offensive to anybody, but people need to stop this preset mind which I call it “China can, so I can.” It makes people blind to impending disaster.

No you can't unless you study China's experience with whole-heartly respect on science.

Time of critical decision:
China locked down entire province with 57 million people when there were hundreds of cases.
Force of intervene:
Motherland calls! China dumped 40k medical workers, 5.3 million protective suits, 10 million N95 masks, 68 thousand medical armariums inlucing 22 thousand respiratory therapy equipments(ventilators and ECMO) into Hubei Province.
Hubei ended up in an 3.8% case fatality ratio(CFR).

Let's take Italy for a compare.
Italy locked down its 60 million population at the day when the case number reached 10000, too late compare tk China.
Not mention Italy's quarantine method is much looser and enforcement is much weaker than China's.
Could Italy count on powerful helping hand from EU or US?
Result for now:
In Italy, the CFR is about to (or already) breached 5%.

Why the hell there is still hallucination that the CFR will drop when cases rise?

More cases means more patients in severe condintion, more hospital beds occupied for 3-6 weeks, more medicals working at the brink of worn out, more ventilators needed, more negative-pressure-chambers necessary for intubate.

This is not general theory of relativity. It works the same way to all homo sapiens:
To COVID-19, the CFR could be suppressed below 1% only when the medical system can provide sufficient eqipments and professionals.

This sufficiency had been lost in Hubei especially Wuhan. China enforced strict quarantine, contained the spread in headcount and region-width, then the socialism national machine mounted enough assets to crush the problem.

This sufficiency is lost in Italy.
I can't figure out where the situation is going and don't want to imagine what will happen. Seems the only way out is massive material and expertise input from China.

If you put Italy's number together, it fits with Hubei's epi-curve 37days ago.
I found numbers of Spain, France and Germany, then use their curve to compare with Hubei and Italy.
Guys, I feel bad now.
Jura are you sarcastic of course the Prez won't visit Wuhan in early day of the epidemic for the simple reason He is the chief and his effort is better spend of directing and marshaling the country resource to overcome this scourge
He did send Lie Kezhiang to Wuhan to have first look at the epidemic that is normal procedure When Wenchuan earth quake happened it is not Hu Jintao that went there instead it was Wen Jiaobao that went there first

So the western critic is off base and their only purpose was to vilify China
not sure what's your problem Hendr. Yesterday at 10:18 PM I went through a photo gallery with propaganda pictures (current North Korea style pictures, but as I've repeatedly said, I like propaganda) and posted my pick:
I liked this one most (#24 inside
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you may tell what's wrong EDIT all I can think of I was kind of 'lightning rod'? LOL
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in the meantime
Coronavirus: Wuhan doctor says officials muzzled her for sharing report on WeChat
  • Hospital emergency department head Ai Fen tells magazine she posted information on Sars-like virus in December and sounded alarm
  • Her interview, suggesting an opportunity for authorities to issue early warning had been missed, was later deleted
so follow the link
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if interested