Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Yes. Clifford Lane, described as a 'right-hand man' to Anthony Fauci, did an interview with Science:
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One highlight:

See the problem? Highly educated American like Lane was surprised by the fact that there were a lot of flatscreen displays at Chinese CDC's briefing room.

That interview was cringeworthy. For a site named "sciencemag", the interview was highly deficient in science and very full of the usual anti-China BS.


I guess all the China basher are angry and frustrated now that their "Chernobyl moment" DOES NOT come to fruition and after this incident the CCP will smell like roses compare to you know who. And they blame left and right from WHO to Science magazine for praising China effort to curb the epidemic instead of criticizing CCP . And as always they quote China basher like Munk school of Global affair in Toronto

Don’t Let the Chinese Government Escape Blame for Coronavirus’s Initial Spread


On March 3, researchers at the University of Toronto Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy published “Censured Contagion,” a report that meticulously documents a timeline and body of facts that paint quite a different picture than the WHO report, and placing WHO’s accolades for China’s “response structures” that were “rapidly put in place” in doubt. The WHO report concludes that the beginning of the epidemic was December 30, 2019, with the collection of samples from a pneumonia patient in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital. Data provided in graphics in the

While Chernobyl was mainly a man-made, the COVID-19 is essentially a natural disaster like Hurricane Katrina and the earthquake and tsunami that brought the Fukushima disaster. Yet some West commentators, who do not know better, yet with perfect 20/20 hinder-sight, have the audacity to blame China's best-effort initial response, as though they could have handled it better. In fact, the Chinese handled the outbreak remarkably well initially, thanks to the medical surveillance system they set up after SARS:

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And what the hell is Munk School? It's a school for "Global Affairs, Public Policy, European, Russian, and Asia-Pacific studies", according to Wikipedia. They think they have more expertise than WHO on epidemics and public health? No wonder WHO simply ignored them.

On Mar. 10, there are 24 confirmed cases and 22 deaths in China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (table 1). There 11 cases and no deaths outside of Hubei (table 3). Of the 11 cases, 10 are imported from overseas.

Table 1:

Table 2:

Table 3

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I ran out of editing time, but I need to make an important correction.

Please replace the bolded part with

If 20% of Americans get infected, and the fatality rate is 0.2% (as in China outside Hubei province) that means 120,000 Americans will die.

If I'm not mistaken, when Trump and Pence met healthcare insurance executives today, all they got was the promise that the copay for the coronovirus test would be waived - not an encouraging sign.

On Mar. 10, there are 61,475 cured cases and 16,145 existing cases. There are 80778 cumulative cases (chart 4).

Chart 1:

Chart 2:

Chart 3:

Chart 4:
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Good news only 24 new cases today in china. :)

I don't see this as a good news. 10 are imported from overseas which mean things can become ugly very fast if screening and quarantines are not enforced properly. Maybe China should consider to quarantine everyone coming to China.


I ran out of editing time, but I need to make an important correction.

Please replace the bolded part with

If 20% of Americans get infected, and the fatality rate is 0.2% (as in China outside Hubei province) that means 120,000 Americans will die.

Fatality outside of Hubei province is 0.9% already so hopefully every countries in the world would take this virus seriously.