Finally somebody on this thread actually speaks the truth, thank you Vesicles, and as you have pointed out, the consequences of the vaccine injuring or taking the life of the Dr. or members of her team would be momentous, that whole body of knowledge could vanish or at least be compromised..
While it is a nice emotional gesture, she placed herself, her team, and the nations well being at risk....
and US states declaring an emergency is not panic, but a funding vehicle to insure that money and medical protocols are in place...
I would encourage posters to leave out the politics, nation shaming, and ridiculing others faith, all are against the rules...
anyway, as Vesicles has pointed out, any researcher who did such a thing in his lab would be fired and likely censured by the medical community at large.... and while there is no doubt in my mind that the Dr. had ONLY The BEST intentions, it might encourage others to take unnecessary risks.
We've just discussed that it is FAKE NEWS from, which is based in New York.
So where is the truth now?
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