Well, what this Chinese doctor has done is not only dangerous, but also useless.
First of all, no scientist can be sure of what they are doing while they are working on a project. Even when later on they are proven correct, no one can be sure while in the middle of a project. This is especially true in biology/medicine since we still know so little of biology. I personally know 3 Nobel Laureates and many world-leading experts in various medical/biological fields. I don't think any of them can tell you that they have been absolutely sure what they are doing while working on a project. As a matter of fact, many of them will tell you that their findings came as an accident, or as a complete surprise, or something that they initially absolutely disagreed or even refused to study because how ridiculous it sounded.
Further, it has been so common in medical research that experimental findings in one system cannot be translated to another system. Close to 99% of test drugs that work in cultured cells do not work in animals. Almost 1/3 of test drugs that work in mice/monkeys do not work in human. Many of them may even be helpful in mice but toxic in human. No scientist can be sure whether their drugs would work in human, even they get perfect results in animal testings. Actually, based on the statistics of past drug discovery efforts, your drug would most likely fail to perform in human. So what this Chinese doctor has done is very dangerous.
A good vaccine requires that its toxicity is at least 1 in 100,000. Even if she is completely cured by the vaccine, a single data point means absolutely nothing to show the effectiveness and toxicity of the vaccine. Even if she is killed by the vaccine, that still does not mean the vaccine is bad. A single data point is meaningless. So what she has done is completely useless.
Her action also sets a bad precedence. "So if you want to show your confidence of your drug/vaccine, you have to eat it yourself!" This is not recommended. As a matter of fact, most countries' health care systems, including China's, strictly prohibit self-testing of their own test drugs by the researchers.
Just imagine a nightmare scenario. She took the vaccine and reacted badly to the vaccine. Since she is the lead researcher, she is the only one who understands this vaccine. Now with her badly hurt by the vaccine, no one else knows what to do... Not a good idea...