This is new and short JAMA (journal of American medical association) study done by a Singapore hospital. They tested the entire environment of 3 isolated COVID-19 patients during the entire course of their stay at the hospital. They found that most of the furniture and all parts of the isolation rooms have been tested positive for the virus.
However, the air in the isolation rooms has been tested negative. Almost all the protective gear of the physicians have been tested negative, except a shoe of a physician.
This clearly shows the importance of washing your hands thoroughly. This also shows that wearing a mask doesn’t help you much since little viral particles have been found in the air. On the other hand, with a very uncomfortable mask on your face, you will want to mess with your mask and advertently touching your face, scratching your nose and eyes with your hands. With every object surrounding the patients covered with viral particles, your hands will be the most dirtiest. Wash your hands.