Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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An article written by Zhong Nanshan 钟南山, he's the expert responsible for managing the SARS outbreak and also served as an advisor for the measure against the current Covid-19 pandemic in China.

Reading it, I pretty much agree with all of his advices for Covid policy going forward in China, except the part of using foreign mRNA vaccines, what do you guys think?
mRNA is a good technology and there is no denial over that. The Chinese government should pursue and invest in mRNA. However, Zhong Nanshan's article is written in Feb which is before the publish of the Hong Kong report regarding the effectiveness of three doses of Sinovac which has been proven to be very effective against severe cases and deaths. So the need of mRNA vaccines is no more.

The thing is an attempt to enforce vaccination suggests by Zhong NanShan might not be viable. Only Greece and Austria are mandating their seniors or adults to be fully vaccinated with threatening of fines. And they are giving people months to do it and might be an empty threat anyway.

A part of the article has already been released a month or two ago in China without any controversy. ABut timing of the release of the full article right now is bad, China is in the middle of an outbreak that requires a full cooperation of its citizens in order to beat back the virus.



Very canny move by the US. After the outbreak in Shanghai,the US changed entry policy for people in Shanghai. As of now, not only US citizens and permanent resident can enter the US,but Chinese citizens with US tourist or student visa can also go to the US. What's more is that this policy only apply to those who live in Shanghai .

Who cares, just go then. It just shows how insecure and immature the Americans are.


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Very canny move by the US. After the outbreak in Shanghai,the US changed entry policy for people in Shanghai. As of now, not only US citizens and permanent resident can enter the US,but Chinese citizens with US tourist or student visa can also go to the US. What's more is that this policy only apply to those who live in Shanghai .

I wouldn’t call it canny. I would call it desperate. The tourist industry and universities are getting hit hard due to the lack of tourists and students coming into the US, particularly Chinese ones. The US is trying to use Shanghai’s disastrous lockdown as a way to “motivate” Chinese tourists and students to “run away” to the US.


Registered Member
Who cares, just go then. It just shows how insecure and immature the Americans are.
You want to talk about American insecurity? Take a look at this announcement by an airline pilot in America and how most of the passengers applauded the announcement. Cue: no more wearing masks on the plane (it's now optional). This shit right here is what the Libs in China wants to happen so that they can literally join their like minded masters in solidarity in owning the conservatives of all kind which will make the culture wars in America look like kindergarten.

I personally can't stand the Chinese liberals or the extreme nationalists if China somehow miraculously becomes a democrazy I say God help us all. Lol


Registered Member
what’s with the almost religious belief with mRNA vaccine? The quickest vaccine development in history before COVID was the MMR vaccine and it took 4 years. It was an inactivated vaccin.
Let the West test the experimental tech on their populations for 10 years at least before the Chinese government allows it on her population

I am not married to the belief of the mRNA magic vaccine. However, there are many people in China that would like to know why it's not available (but available in Chinese territories of HK SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan ROC distributed by a mainland company) why they cannot mix vaccines, etc.

My main point is that I think people wish there was a little more clarity/communication.
This really was a big issue in Shanghai, people are anxious about how long the lockdown is for, when it can be lifted, etc. etc. Even simple anecdotes like parents having trouble picking kids up. I don't put too much stock in stories in themselves, but they do add up to some widespread problems.
You look at Shenzhen, and I think the process was much smoother because they said minimum 7 days, citywide testing 3 times over, etc. The worst I saw was some reports of panic buying, that's it.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
I am not married to the belief of the mRNA magic vaccine. However, there are many people in China that would like to know why it's not available (but available in Chinese territories of HK SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan ROC distributed by a mainland company) why they cannot mix vaccines, etc.
I just gave you the reason. Those people are free to go outside of China to get them.
As a responsible government, Chinese government should not allow mRNA vaccines in China.


I am not married to the belief of the mRNA magic vaccine. However, there are many people in China that would like to know why it's not available (but available in Chinese territories of HK SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan ROC distributed by a mainland company) why they cannot mix vaccines, etc.

My main point is that I think people wish there was a little more clarity/communication.
This really was a big issue in Shanghai, people are anxious about how long the lockdown is for, when it can be lifted, etc. etc. Even simple anecdotes like parents having trouble picking kids up. I don't put too much stock in stories in themselves, but they do add up to some widespread problems.
You look at Shenzhen, and I think the process was much smoother because they said minimum 7 days, citywide testing 3 times over, etc. The worst I saw was some reports of panic buying, that's it.

I just gave you the reason. Those people are free to go outside of China to get them.
As a responsible government, Chinese government should not allow mRNA vaccines in China.


Based on the table posted by Kyli, the triple jab Sinovac looks to be better than that of Pfizer in preventing fatality.

One would expect the last column to be the average of the preceding columns but it's not.

If one were to average out the fatality rates of the different age groups, the triple jabs fatality rate for Sinovac, at 0.148%, is actually better than Pfizer, at 0.164%, by about 10%.

The 0.04% fatality rate figure, I believe, refers to the fatality rate of triple-jabbed people, including those uninfected, in the population so far.

It's kind of misleading to use this type of figure, instead, at the end of the columns, if you're comparing the efficacies of 2 types of vaccines, as it doesn't take into account the imbalance in the type of vaccination used between the younger and older age groups.
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