View attachment 87364
Based on the table posted by Kyli, the triple jab Sinovac looks to be better than that of Pfizer in preventing fatality.
One would expect the last column to be the average of the preceding columns but it's not.
If one were to average out the fatality rates of the different age groups, the triple jabs fatality rate for Sinovac, at 0.148%, is actually better than Pfizer, at 0.164%, by about 10%.
The 0.04% fatality rate figure, I believe, refers to the fatality rate of triple-jabbed people, including those uninfected, in the population so far.
It's kind of misleading to use this type of figure, instead, at the end of the columns, if you're comparing the efficacies of 2 types of vaccines, as it doesn't take into account the imbalance in the type of vaccination used between the younger and older age groups.