So your relative only had speculation. He (or she) just thought that the hospitals must have been filled up with covid patients. Because he did not see all these covid patients in the hospital he went, so he concluded that the authorities must have been cooking the numbers. Seriously?
I kept saying that, according to the latest edition of the covid guidance, asymptomatic and mild cases are no longer required to be hospitalized. I also cited that Guancha interview to show you how the quarantine facilities in Shanghai are taking care of asym. and mild cases. In other words, I have been trying to tell you that, because the guidance has changed, there are not as many covid patients in hospitals unless they turn into moderate cases with pneumonia.
Guess you did not read what I said all along.
I don't know on what conditions a region must be declared high risk for covid. Therefore I cannot say if it makes sense or not for Shanghai not declaring any high risk area.
Either way, it is not an evidence for accusing them cooking numbers. It is like I cannot accuse you for robbing banks only because you drive Ferrari and drink champagne.