That's not true. China CDC has refuted Shanghai a few times already on how Shanghai interpret and implement pandemic policies.
That's not true. China CDC has refuted Shanghai a few times already on how Shanghai interpret and implement pandemic policies.
Unless most of these asymptomatic cases eventually develop to symptomatic, there is still the big difference of asymptomatic/symptomatic ratio between Shanghai and the rest of the country. The good thing is that China report symptomatic case transferred from asymptomatic cases. So we will need to wait for a week or two.This may shed a clue:
The vast majority of asymptomatic cases were found in people who are already under quarantine.
My hypothesis is that while the infection rate is very high, the actual probability of the infection turning into symptomatic cases is quite low.
Our bodies are adapting to the virus. That's how nature works.
Xinghua News, Do not loose covid zero policy.新华述评:坚持“动态清零”不放松
Also from Xinghua New, Covid is not just a more serious flu.新冠肺炎不是“大号流感
Build strong covid barriers to protect people's lives and health. This article is published under the name Zhongsheng (钟声). I don't think I need to explain its significance.筑起坚强防疫壁垒 捍卫人民生命健康
I don't know what you relatives are and how they got that information. If your relatives infact work in publich health and/or they have inside knowledge on how the Shanghai local authority has been misinterpreting the guidance and misreporting case numbers, I am willing to stand corrected.
Otherwise, I'd be speculating that they might be confused because previously mild cases were required to be hospitalized but not anymore.
I was using that interview as an example to show that mild and asym. cases are being taken care of in the same facilities. Those who are not familiar with the latest edition of the guidance might take it as mild cases being classified and reported as asym. ones.
In that interview I cited above, the interviewee, when giving his thought on why there have not been many sym. cases in Shanghai, specifically emphasized that Shanghai is following the same guidance as everyone else.
Until there is an official explanation on the Shanghai numbers, I'd take hearsays with a grain of salt.
The same article mentions that all positive cases will be sent to quarantine center or hospital. There will NOT be home-isolation. Chinese policy makers are getting very serious now.Over 50,000 doctors and nurses from other provinces have arrived at Shanghai. More are coming. Shanghai was ordered self test for all population on Sunday. On Monday, all 25 million Shanghaiese would be tested using single tube within 36 hours and all results within 6 days.
When the central government decided to intervene, then you know it is serious. No room for hiding and defecting anymore.The same article mentions that all positive cases will be sent to quarantine center or hospital. There will NOT be home-isolation. Chinese policy makers are getting very serious now.
But this is not "Chinese CDC refuted Shanghai".
In a strongly worded article on the website of the government-affiliated think tank China Health Economics Association on Thursday, former Chinese health minister Gao Qiang rejected the laissez-faire approach to the pandemic, blasting the countries who are following it for “recklessly removing or relaxing epidemic control measures”.
“Is it feasible to ‘coexist with the virus’? The author believes that it is definitely not feasible,” wrote Gao, who was health minister from 2005-2007. “The ‘coexistence with the virus’ [seen in] Britain, the United States and other countries has already brought serious consequences to global efforts to contain the epidemic. We must not repeat the same mistakes.”
Some of Gao’s remarks also appeared to take aim at the respected epidemiologist Zhang, who just a few days earlier had said on Chinese social media that most experts around the world believed Covid-19 would not go away soon and countries would be forced to “study how to coexist with this virus”.
From my relatives who are currently still under lockdown in Shanghai, they told me Shanghai classifies covid positive cases as asymptomatic as long as there is no lung involvement. A patient can have a fever and other upper respiratory symptoms. If his lungs didn't show obvious signs in a CT scan, it's reported as an asymptomatic case. This is also consistent with what I have read in Chinese social media in the past week.