Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


I really want to see the Shanghai local government get reprimanded hard for their failures now. Why the hell did they let this situation go out of control like this, and yet they still try to hide it like you said with mild cases not being counted as symptomatic.
Lack of accountability. Total disregard of protocol. Arrogant and total disrespect of other provinces and cities even Beijing and Shenzhen residents are considered peasants from Shanghainese people's perspective. Bowing to the Westerners. Many doctors and nurses and people in Shanghai have the same attitude that we know better and it is just a cold.

If the Shanghai government has followed China pandemic playbooks, then this shouldn't have happened. There are many checks and stops in place to prevent such scenarios. I totally agree some people in Shanghai local government needs to be punished.

I don't have a problem for Shanghai local government to try out the precision approach but it shouldn't have hided the fact that it failed to contain covid and refuse to prevent people leaving Shanghai which cause the current wave of outbreaks into 21 provinces.

Don't even get me started how Shanghai refused the helps from other provinces and tried to downplay any helps from other provinces.


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Lack of accountability. Total disregard of protocol. Arrogant and total disrespect of other provinces and cities even Beijing and Shenzhen residents are considered peasants from Shanghainese people's perspective. Bowing to the Westerners. Many doctors and nurses and people in Shanghai have the same attitude that we know better and it is just a cold.
Good God, are they basically Mainland HK? These people need reeducation quick.


Registered Member
Don't read too much about Shanghai number. Shanghai has intentionally not included mild cases as symptomatic. Now other provinces and cities copy Shanghai model.
I was also wondering why Shanghai got few hundreds symptomatic cases vs. many thousands asymptomatic for more than a week, while this pattern is against Jilin and all other provinces. Did Shanghai get different variant? Or they play by different book? Maybe the later.

Rettam Stacf

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why, you think permanent lockdowns is better for economy.

Once China gets massive inventory of antivirals and antibody cocktails for breakthrough hospital cases (mainly elderly/immunocompromised) , and once 100% population is vaccinated and boosted, there is little else you can do against an endemic disease like COVID that can infect rats/dogs/mice/cats. I hope China can get enough supply of antiviral drugs within the next year or so.
To the best of my knowledge, China has never put the entire country in lock down. Not a single time. Lock downs were typically a city or part of a tier 1 city, or a region. And they were typically 2 weeks or less. Xian right before the Winter Olympics was the longest at 4 weeks. Shanghai has never been locked down until now, hence all the complaints from "spoiled" residents.

So what about 20M people un China is under lockdown ? There are another 1,420M people who goes around their daily life pretty normally other than they cannot travel out of China unless for business reasons. They can go to work, entertainment venues and travel internally without much problem. Face mask is still optional in most places and vaccine is not mandatory. That is why China still enjoyed GDP growth throughout the pandemic. To me, this is the real "Living with the Virus".

However, I agree with the second part of you post. China will open up step by step in her typical deliberate and cautious manner when she achieves full indigenous sufficiency on vaccines and medications for her multi-tier defense against Covid-19.

* Level 1 Defense (Prevention) : Vaccine
* Level 2 Defense (asymptomatic or mild cases that do not require hospitalization of dedicated isolation centers) : Antiviral drugs and TCM medicine
* Level 3 Defense (symptomatic cases requiring hospitalization) : Sufficient isolation facilities (Note 1) and hospital beds, monoclonal antibody infusion and similar treatments

Note 1 - Saw in this thread earlier that the central government has asked every province and major cities to set up 2 isolation facilities to supplement hospitals.

Overlaying on top of these 3 levels of defense, China will likely continue to maintain mass testing and selective lockdown as needed, though in a more relaxed manner.

This is what I see China is trying to achieve from here onward in her fight against Covid-19.
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Junior Member
Xi has finally decided to send PLA into Shanghai to contain the current covid outbreak. It's about time. Shanghai needs to be liberated a second time considering the incompetency of Shanghai's local government.

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解放军报北京4月3日电 4月3日,军队抽组卫勤力量2000余人,支援上海市做好疫情防控工作。此次抽组的卫勤力量来自陆军、海军、联勤保障部队所属7个医疗单位,抵达后将迅速开展医疗救治、核酸检测等工作。

PLA has decided to send about 2,000 medical personnel to support Shanghai in control of the covid outbreak. The medical team selected comes from 7 medical units belonging to the army, navy and joint logistics support force. Upon arrival, they will quickly engage in medical treatment and PCR testing.


Registered Member
I was also wondering why Shanghai got few hundreds symptomatic cases vs. many thousands asymptomatic for more than a week, while this pattern is against Jilin and all other provinces. Did Shanghai get different variant? Or they play by different book? Maybe the later.
I'd be cautious to call out any foul play at this time. I would also not use Jilin as an example because their numbers do not make sense either.

For quite some days, Changchun of Jilin province reported almost zero asymptomatic cases while they had hundreds of symptomatic cases daily. Then they kept having more symtompatic cases, in some days a few times more, than asymptomatic ones until yesterday April 2. That is not how Omicron spread in highly vaccinated populace as we know of.

Here are the Changchun numbers from March 13 to April 2 from the NHC website:

March 13, 3 asym, 430 sym:
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March 14, 3 asym, 460 sym:
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March 15, 3 asym, 1044 sym:
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March 16, 5 asym, 268 sym:
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March 17, 0 asym, 595 sym:
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March 18, 1 asym, 742 sym:
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March 19, 3 asym, 833 sym:
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March 20, 1 asym, 1079 sym:
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March 24, 290 asym, 576 sym:
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March 25, 403 asym, 554 sym:
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March 26, 495 asym, 633 sym:
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March 27, 370 asym, 706 sym:
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March 28, 310 asym, 622 sym:
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March 29, 348 asym, 875 sym:
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March 30, 422 asym, 997 sym:
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March 31, 444 asym, 1078 sym:
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April 1, 894 asym, 1544 sym:
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April 2, 3100 asym, 723 sym:
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I am wondering whether NHC has questioned Shanghai and Jinlin at all for their obviously problematic numbers.

Jiang ZeminFanboy

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Have you gone insane or something? Besides your comment shows you're clearly not living in China and more than likely living in Canada, U.S. or Europe. Let the countries of residence in the west do what they deemed are best for their countries and let China do the same for her own people. Judging from the number of deaths, infections, and success measured in economic impact, the Chinese government has come out as the winner (if anyone can even call this pandemic a winner at all) in this global struggle against Covid-19.

If you're happy, and content with what you're doing do you dude, just stop spouting ignorant nonsense for China to adopt. I don't know if you're Chinese or just some western fella who's more or less not as fascist against China but you really need to be circumspect with your opinion before dispensing them on any platform because your ignorance of the situation shows.
I am just telling that in Europe (+-half of the countries) covid became a flu from peoples perspective, only what's left is tourism, still some countries require testing.

New waves are doing almost nothing for economies in countries which stopped with restrictions. What will big covid lockdownis do to China? I guess this year we might see again big jump in total debt like in 2020 to achieve good growth.

I have in my profile that I am in Poland, I can add that I am Polish. At the beginning of pandemic I was also for lockdowns, but when I realized that European lockdowns(it wasn't even real lockdownis like in China) failed once then its impossible to contain it.

After few mutations and vaccines used by people the virus became much less deadly than in the beginning, and a lot more contagious.

Its different now than two years ago. Covid now and in the future looks like it's going to be even more contagious and very hard to protect China zero covid. These random lockdowns at different Chinese cities are going to be devastating over time, and I am not saying it was wrong in 2020 it was good strategy then and it profited Chiba, but for now? Idk, we'll see.

Last time I was in China from December 2019 and came back in January 2020, what's funny I came back with a fever I spent two days at Shenzhen Hotel sick with a temperature which had some similar symptoms to covid (at that time I didn't even know covid exists), lol. I remember when I landed in Poland first thing I done, I bought was eye drops, my eyes were all red and dry like a desert. But I guess it was a normal flu because after one week I was healthy, and covid was a lot deadlier then.