I am not surprised Shanghai would end up like that. It’s advised by people like Zhang Wenhong who wanted to follow America's "f**k it" Covid policy.Things are pretty dire in Shanghai. Some netizens have started calling the city "East Mumbai". Jai Hind.
Just like liberal governments in the west, the Shanghai gov wanted to protect the economy and not do a lock-down. Now they will have to suffer both a lock-down and the economic disruptions.I am not surprised Shanghai would end up like that. It’s advised by people like Zhang Wenhong who wanted to follow America's "f**k it" Covid policy.
But covid is still there, and people are walking around spewing the virus.Here in Ontario the pandemic is over. Covid-19 is being treated the same as any other common cold coronavirus. There is no restriction anymore.
Aren't you Tom Sellinger a.k.a TomSelleck a.k.a JSChineseTiger a.k.a Yommiesan a.k.a MarkD, etc,etc the banned antivaxxer and serial Coronavirus thread spammer? I can recognize you from a mile away.I think it is better for China to treat covid-19 as any other common cold coronavirus
True. Covid-19 will be with humans for the rest of humanity. What's your point? You cannot eliminate virus. Virus been around for billions of years.