Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
Are you asking about the opinions of the public or the doctors and researchers who study long covid?

I don't remember having seen news regarding research on this subject in China. Probably because there are not many long covid patients in China. But I am not in the field so take what I just said with a grain of salt. :)

The public have heard of long covid from the news and stories in the west. Though it's hard to tell whether or not they were taking it seriously because the news and stories took place far away. Perhaps the current Omicron wave in China will change how some of them see long covid.
The thing for them is the very low infection rates. They need boosters every couple of months for making anti-bodies.


It is true that the relaxing caused the increase of cases, but then what did your "they use mRNA" mean to the matter then?

Here is the context.

View attachment 85346
(KYli) Singapore abandoned zero-covid policy => (you) Singapore got mostly mRNA.

Were you trying to say that mRNA is responsible for the massive increase?

To be fair, without comparison, nothing can be said about any vaccine in the same situation. I don't understand why you keep on the "mRNA" thing all the time.
I think Tyler works for Pfizer/Moderna or their distributors. :p


Any idea of the breakdown?
symptomatic cases 吉林742例, 福建99例, 广东83例, 辽宁62例, 天津48例, 河北38例, 浙江27例, 陕西26例, 黑龙江16例, 甘肃12例, 上海8例, 广西7例, 江苏5例,云南5例, 北京4例, 重庆4例

Asymptomatic cases 吉林415,例, 河北178例 上海150例, 山东96例, 辽宁94例, 广东70例, 江苏67例, 福建42例, 云南24例, 广西23例, 安徽10例, 甘肃8例, 天津7例