You are correct that China started reporting asymptomatic cases separately early on, at least as early as Apr 2020. I somehow got the impression that categorizing asymptomatic is a recent addition.China has been reporting asymptomatic cases daily as a separate category from symptomatic cases since the early days of the pandemic. I remember seeing some numbers last year and the asymptomatic cases were fairly low compared to symptomatic cases. But now it seems like they are at 1:2~1:1 ratio. It could be due to the higher vaccination rate as well as the milder symptoms of the Omicron variant.
Does anyone has the historical data for daily asymptomatic versus symptomatic cases ? It will be interesting to see the trend.
This web page lists all the epidenmic bulletins (疫情通报) made by the NHC (national health commission) starting on Jan 11, 2020:
This is the vaccination (疫苗接种) web page:
Speaking of "Serve the People", in this NHC web site, no tabular or graphic formats of the Covid and vaccination-related data to be found for public consumption. If you want to see historical trends, you'll have to fetch all the bulletins, parse the data out of the text and make the tables and graphs yourself. This simply sucks in 2022, two years after the pandemic started.