Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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CGTN admitting the new numbers of the Chinese Covid-19 cases. By China standards, 1,938 cases in one day is bad.

So, total cases and deaths in greater China now stands at:

1) Mainland China:
Cases: 115,466
Deaths: 4,643 (unchanged since Jan 2021)

2) Hong Kong:
Cases: 254,943
Deaths: 3,729

3) Macao:
Cases: 82
Deaths: 0

4) Taiwan:
Cases: 21,225
Deaths: 853

Cases: 391,716
Deaths: 9,225

Interestingly, even with all of Greater China combined. Their numbers are better than the vast majority of democratic, Liberal countries around the world.

Although I'm supportive of China's zero Covid-19 policy. I do question, where is China's endgame with regards to the virus in its current form. The combination of vaccines and a relatively milder Omicron variant has quite significantly toned down Covid-19's deadliness. I wonder at what threshold should China consider this virus an endemic common flu virus. Are they waiting for WHO to give the greenlight?


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It is now or never. China needs to step up the fight against covid.
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The northeastern province of
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reported 1,412 local cases, the northern province of
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had 175 and the southern province of
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reported 62. The number of new asymptomatic cases, which
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does not classify as confirmed cases, was 1,455, up from 1,173 a day earlier.
Is China actually planning to pivot from zero COVID? This is uncharacteristic. I would not expect China to let it get this bad this quickly. They have controlled breakouts of Omicron before, they can do it again.


Is China actually planning to pivot from zero COVID? This is uncharacteristic. I would not expect China to let it get this bad this quickly. They have controlled breakouts of Omicron before, they can do it again.
Don't think so. At least not at the moment. Don't read too much into the number of cases. Jilin outbreak was due to a college principal decided not to report cases. Other places would implement soft lock down first before pivot to a hard lock down. I am more worried about since so many provinces have cases, they would have difficult to stamp out the virus at the same time.

I think the new outbreak would put an end to targeted lock down. Shanghai's model of surgical lock down is difficult to implement in other places. Beside, Shanghai is having difficulty to stamp out the virus with this method this time due to Omicron being more contagious.


Although I'm supportive of China's zero Covid-19 policy. I do question, where is China's endgame with regards to the virus in its current form. The combination of vaccines and a relatively milder Omicron variant has quite significantly toned down Covid-19's deadliness. I wonder at what threshold should China consider this virus an endemic common flu virus. Are they waiting for WHO to give the greenlight?
Endgame supposes to be next spring if everything goes according to the plan. Before the current outbreak, they plan to experiment with an open up of a few cities with outside world to test to see if they could cope with the virus. However, HK outbreak basically has given them the answer and data which is a surge of cases due to the highly contagious Omicron would overwhelm the hospitals and result in many deaths.

Surgical lock down that was recommended by some experts doesn't seem to work well for many places. As not many cities have the same resources as Shanghai has. In addition, even Shanghai seems to fail at containing the virus with its surgical lock down policy at the moment.

Chinese experts make it clear that they have noticed that Omicron is less lethal. However, Omicron is much more contagious which means within a short period of time it could infest so many people and overwhelm the hospitals. That means unless China is willing to accept a mortality rate similar like HK did then China can't open up at the moment.

What they looking for right now is more vaccination especially for the elderly with boost shots, a second generation vaccines that works well against Omicron, and pills or cure that can significantly lower hospitalizations and deaths.

I still think China would open up next spring as long as the variant that emerges during the winter wouldn't be more deadly than Omicron.


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Don't think so. At least not at the moment. Don't read too much into the number of cases. Jilin outbreak was due to a college principal decided not to report cases. Other places would implement soft lock down first before pivot to a hard lock down. I am more worried about since so many provinces have cases, they would have difficult to stamp out the virus at the same time.

I think the new outbreak would put an end to targeted lock down. Shanghai's model of surgical lock down is difficult to implement in other places. Beside, Shanghai is having difficulty to stamp out the virus with this method this time due to Omicron being more contagious.
Lol, rip that guy. He's probably going to get locked up for life or executed.


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CGTN admitting the new numbers of the Chinese Covid-19 cases. By China standards, 1,938 cases in one day is bad.

So, total cases and deaths in greater China now stands at:

1) Mainland China:
Cases: 115,466
Deaths: 4,643 (unchanged since Jan 2021)

2) Hong Kong:
Cases: 254,943
Deaths: 3,729

3) Macao:
Cases: 82
Deaths: 0

4) Taiwan:
Cases: 21,225
Deaths: 853

Cases: 391,716
Deaths: 9,225

Interestingly, even with all of Greater China combined. Their numbers are better than the vast majority of democratic, Liberal countries around the world.

Although I'm supportive of China's zero Covid-19 policy. I do question, where is China's endgame with regards to the virus in its current form. The combination of vaccines and a relatively milder Omicron variant has quite significantly toned down Covid-19's deadliness. I wonder at what threshold should China consider this virus an endemic common flu virus. Are they waiting for WHO to give the greenlight?
Interesting, I never seen the comparison before between regions in greater China. Just by numbers you can tell hk really FUBARed their whole covid situation. A place of abput 7m people with deaths approaching whole of mainland. And they had many warnings and even close experience with SARS prior to this.

macao rarely mentioned but they actually performed well. I wonder how they did it with massive casino operations making up most of their economy. And lastly tw, after their initial vaccine Feck up, appears they are doing better. Although their deaths are slightly higher than Australia despite slightly smaller population

I think China authorities will take advice from who but ultimately they decide for themselves when conditions are suitable for opening up slowly. There were indications it was after winter Olympics but since both who and China recognize omicron isn't just like flu, it didn't happen. Plus of course hk disaster happened. Although mainland has higher percentage of vaccination and boosted population than hk.


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1807 + 1315 (476 + 1048 yesterday)

Even though everyone is watching Shanghai, Jilin is actually where the most new cases are added today.

Symptomatic cases:

Jilin 1412 (134 yesterday), Shandong 175 (159), Guangdong 62 (33), Shan'xi 39 (30), Jiangshu 23 (20), Tianjin 17 (35), Zhejiang 15 (23), Shanghai 1 (5).

114 asymptomatic cases became symptomatic, most of them are in Shandong.


Asymptomatic cases:

Jilin 744 (266), Guangdong 194 (191), Shandong 172 (400), Shanghai 64 (76), Hebei 40 (22), Ganshu 36 (40), Yunnan 20 (19), Jiangshu 19 (13).

159 probable cases became confirmed (45 are imported).
