Blaming China's zero-covid policy, CNN is just not only bias but it is nut.
POS CNN, I get angrier and angrier as I read this filth of an article. So many wrongs on many levels.
It's the narrative that China will always be free of Covid that will be problematic for China going forward," he said. "A theory based on this idea that you can keep Covid out of your population forever just defies any sort of logic."
This is nonsense. China zero covid policy doesn't mean China expect covid free. That is not possible unless society is completely isolated from rest of the world. It basically means when there is outbreak, China rushes quickly to stamp it out and coordinates efforts for different branches of medical and government to fight the virus. It means they just dun surrender to it.
She is skeptical of Hong Kong's policies, which she said were merely there to satisfy China. "It's harming society, it's harming economics, it's harming people's well-being," she said.
Same old shit, cherry pick anti China individual to blame mainland. Even when mainland doctors are rushing to hk to help out the mess they are in.
"I feel like the kids are being punished the most throughout this whole thing. It's not fair on them," she said, referring to the restrictions. "(The public health policy) scares me more than the virus itself."
Again choosing entitled white expats opinions and using kids as weapons to blame covid policy of hk.
So many other nonsense stuff they included in the article but didn't raise any of the essential root causes.
Cathay pacific crew breakng quarantine restrictions which started this mess.
Entitled expats ignoring social distancing rules.
The misinformation on vaccines and particularly western negative coverage of Chinese vaccines that led to low uptake initially,
Residual anti mainland sentiment and distrust making it hard for greater covid cooperation between two sides.
West media Constant criticism of China zero covid policy
Lam's weak will in bending to pressure from west and expat community. Can be seen when she let western VIPs like that wall street ceo and Nicole Kidman to totally skip quarantine.
Got over confident and did not prepare adequately for when omicron hits.
The flawed hospital system in hk where resources are wasted for private hospitals and public ones are overburdened
Probably alot more I missed. Should have just ban CNN in hk. It writes for the westerners not for the truth.
This guy has a better idea of wat led to current situation in hk. May not cover everything but definitely closer to the truth.